Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Random Thoughts.

I am sitting here watching Numbers. They are talking about suicide. Well that is the story line tonight anyhow. My thoughts keep drifting back to my best friend's boyfriend who just killed himself. I cant help but wonder what the hell was going through his mind and wonder why he kept telling her he would hold her and love her forever. Why do that when you intend on leaving? The last text message he sent was just that. His last phone call was about how much he loved her and missed her already. I dont get it. I dont understand why they do that. Why people who commit suicide profess their love right before they off themselves? Ugh. I know, kinda a grim thought. But damn it, why did he do that to her? More than anything, it totally pisses me off that he left her like that. She will never fully recover. She was totally in love and totally involved. Now she is wandering around lost searching for reason. All I can do is be here for her and keep her moving. Make her get up and get out of the house. Make her go ride. But it just seems that I have a right to be MAD as HELL at him for leaving her this way. I want to kick his ass! Sorry about the cussing. But Damn it, why did he leave her like that? Not just her either. Her daughter. Her teenage daughter. Who thought so highly of him.......I just had to vent. Now I will go post something happy so you guys dont worry about me!


Anonymous said...


Suicide survivor support groups exist in most, cities and many on-line groups are available to those in rural areas. Many can be found through

Heather Hayes(channel 4 news anchor) husband committed suicide years ago and can be reached at

Good luck,
Garlic Man

Anonymous said...


It was Heather's fiance NOT husband that committed suicide.

Also see for her book "Surviving Suicide".

Garlic Man