Successful surgery to remove my God given hip and replace it with titanium! This has been a journey so far! The first week was tough. Of course I have had 3 repairs on this hip so I had some idea of what recovery would be like. This is different!instead of being non weight bearing and doing everything I could to not use said hip, I am encouraged to put all my weight on it an keep moving! I have a walker. I have a strap I use to lift my leg into bed. I have a cool sock thing that I have to say is pretty cool! I’m at day 12? I think? And tonight I took a shower standing up. No shower chair!
After the surgery, I was kept over night. Thank God because those nurses taught me how to get in and out of bed and use my walker. I had to pee every 25 minutes. It was crazy! I didn’t even have IV fluids after surgery. But I was very thirsty and drank a ton of water! I also found out that taking my zanaflex (muscle relaxer- non narcotic) makes me hallucinate when I don’t fall asleep with it! Yeah anxiety and activity after taking it made me have a good run of crazy. They laughed it off after it ran through my system. My BP was all over the place. I think I freaked them out a bit! I was happy that they had to deal with me vs being home! But I sure was happy to go home!
Pain levels were around 7-8 at home. It was more of nerve pain and the feeling that I have titanium shoved into my femur. I haven’t ever broken a bone so they had cut the bone then wedged the titanium into the femur. I guess that is about as close to a broken bone feeling than I have ever felt! I have cracked ribs, broke big toe and the tip of my tail bone but that is about it. The surgeon said I have small but strong bones. I look forward to hearing more about that Monday! Sabrina is taking me to my two week check up! It’s so nice to have a friend willing to haul me around! They say I can’t drive for 2 months post op so now that is six more weeks! I can’t wait to get to drive my Tahoe again! Oh yeah, I got the 2013 Tahoe! It only has like 7800k miles and garage kept. I want to caller her Teeter! She is a nice driving mom vehicle that I thought I’d never have! We are putting the heavy duty floor mats in her and my new kennel for Duke is already in the back! It sure will make for a nice vehicle to take to the dog events 😎.
Another part of this journey is physical therapy! I did pre-surgical PT and now I’m doing home health PT. I can’t back out as he comes to me lol. I was sick or something on Thursday and tried to cancel. Nope. He came out and worked on my IT band in my leg that was hella tight. After he left I slept for 20 hours. No kidding. I slept for 10 hours before and 20 hours after. Sleep has been the hardest because I like to sleep on my side. Lucky for me, I bought a full size maternity pillow before surgery. Problem is, my hamstring and my IT band are so tight that when I get on my side and get that leg up on that pillow, everything spasms. This is why right now I have the tens going in those areas.
Another fun part is training my dogs. Slick and Gunther are good but Duke has been a bit more like a puppy. I big giant puppy! On my own, I can handle him. But with Jeff, well he turns into a bull in a china shop. I finally voiced my opinion that this is a training opportunity not and shut him in his kennel situation. Now he comes in, sits to calm down and is slower to move to the room. He waits for the invite to get on the bed and is no longer aiming for my torso! Win win! I broke out the 25 year old “Ruger remote”. I have newer versions but the OG just works better! Cuts down on yelling and he responds quickly. No cowering. Just stops and waits for me to give him a command! I always loved that remote! It’s basically an electronic dog whistle. I think I will keep using it for him. It sure worked Good on Ruger and Gauge!
So next week is week 3. My bandage will be removed. My PT will be more active. Eventually I will graduate to a cane. I hate the walker! I’m not limping now. But my right leg feels longer than the left so I’m just crooked. Or maybe I’m straight and have been crooked for so long I don’t know the right way? Anyhow, I sure hope yall are having a good 2025! I’m ready to keep going! 😎