Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pink's Lyrics......Something to think about

OK, I know that I am not political, but, these words seem to make me think hard about our next elected and think....


"Dear Mr. President"
(feat. Indigo Girls)

Dear Mr. President,
Come take a walk with me.
Let's pretend we're just two people and
You're not better than me.
I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.

What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
Are you proud?

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why?

Dear Mr. President,
Were you a lonely boy?
Are you a lonely boy?
Are you a lonely boy?
How can you say
No child is left behind?
We're not dumb and we're not blind.
They're all sitting in your cells
While you pave the road to hell.

What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say
You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye?

Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Minimum wage with a baby on the way
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Building a bed out of a cardboard box
Let me tell you 'bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work
You don't know nothing 'bout hard work
Hard work
Hard work

How do you sleep at night?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Dear Mr. President,
You'd never take a walk with me.
Would you?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I am Missing Ruger Right Now. :(

Well, Jeff went to Many vet clinic to pick up Ruger's ashes today. I guess I needed another day to mourn cause I cant seem to quit crying.I miss him so much and it seems that I keep reflecting back to when he was alive. I also found out (by the tag on his urn) that he was down 15 pounds when he was laid to rest. I knew we was on a down hill slide and I had no idea that he had lost that much weight. Like everyone said, I knew it was time. So, why is it so hard? Why cant I be happy that he is in a better place? Why do I feel such a hole in my heart and want to cling to him right now? The tears keep coming and I dont think they will stop today. I guess I need to stop and reflect today. I took the two labs and Colt out for a walk, a swim and some fetch. That just made it hurt even more because Ruger LOVED to play fetch. Colt has no desire to do so. Ruger also loved to swim. Yeah, Colt doesnt like that either. But, Colt is acting more like MY dog everyday. He is more responsive to me now and came to lick my tears away earlier today. Colt has a lot of great qualities and I am sure that he will help me to realize that he is a great companion. I am glad that we were blessed with Rem because Ellis is not so upset about me giving Colt special attention. Now, I have the heeler all to myself again, just like it was with Ruger. I read somewhere that Dog's live shoter lives than humans because God put us here to learn how to love unconditionally and dogs are born to love unconditionally. So, they dont have to stay on earth as long as humans. Right now, I wish that Ruger could have been around for at least 50 more years. I know that if I had not put him down when I did, he would have suffered a lot of pain. At least he was still aware of everything when he passed. OK, now, I need to go cry some more.

Taking Donations......

Well, Looks like Remmy is going to get to stay. She is really a great dog!!! However, she is due to be spayed on March 4th. Um, yeah, $85 that we dont have. So, anyone got a dollar or two to donate to the "spay the lab" Fund???? She has to be spayed! I took her in yesterday and spent $35 on shots, ear treatment and blood test. She is healthy!!!! I really think she will be the perfect companion for Ellis while Colt is spending time with me :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dogs, Dogs and more Dogs

I have decided that life is interesting. Yeah, I thought that Jeff was gonna KILL me by adopting this dog. But, after the initial shock of the fact that she was here, once she came in the house and chilled out, he seems to like her... I mean, I am one to take in Dogs, cats, horses that are at risk. Ellis was a true rescue that was covered in Demodetic mange, open oozing sores, bleeding ears and NO hair. He stunk and was an OUTSIDE dog. Well, I adopted him with the hopes of curing him and finding him a home. Now, he has been with us for 3 years and is a part of the family.....Everyone needs a dumb dog that loves you no matter what. Then, I had three. Ruger, my dog, Yeager, the cat eating monster, and then Ellis, the pill popping, got to love him, needy, always loving dog. Well, Yeager found a home cause I love my cats. It was find him an only animal home or put him down. Crying eyes out Crying eyes out So, he went to a new home. Down to two. Keep in mind that I rescued 3 dogs during the time I was in Bryan, just 3 short years. Ruger was always MY DOG. Well, Ellis got to stay. Then, I see Colt45. Yeah, he is marked almost just like Ruger was and was too cute. The people saw the love in my eyes and insisted that he go home with me. He had red mange, but, was easily cured and then we were back to 3. You all know that Ruger had to be put down due to cancer and my heart broke in two. I found out about this Lab that was dumped with a boston terrier. The terrier was killed by a car and the Lab was just not going to be able to stay. So, why not? Yup, I told them to bring her here. Knowing that Jeff would kill me and thinking that I was getting in deep. At first, NOPE, not going to keep her. Gotta find her a home. Now, Jeff is attached and has only been around her for a few hours. She is CALM, sleep as we speak and is just the right size lab, not to mention really pretty. So, looks like I am taking her in in the morning to find out her fixed status and to get her vaccinated. Ellis is due too and Colt has an itchy ear. So, the three of us are heading to the vet in the morning.......What am I thinking right now? Might be a good dog to keep so that Ellis wont get so upset when Colt goes to barrel races with me. Why not?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Been a While...

I know, its been a while since I have blogged. But, my heart was not in it and to tell ya the truth, I just did not have anything positive to say! Anyhow, With Ruger being gone, I have taken up training with Colt45. He is a VERY smart dog and is probably the smartest dog I have ever worked with. No, he is still not the same as Ruger, but, no do will ever measure up. However, Colt was starting to be "Jeff's Dog" to the point that when I was on the couch, jeff went outside and Colt sat by the door waiting on Daddy to come back. Not anymore! Only took me 2 days to turn him back into a momma's boy! He now follows me EVERYWHERE!!! Every time i go to the bathroom, Colt finds me. God love him :) He is awesome with the horses, cats and listens very well to me! All it took was the threat of the shock collar and some treats in my pocket and Boom! He is now a well trained dog!!! He sits, lays down, comes, and will do just about everything but stay and fetch. I dont know about the fetch thing....but, the stay is because he wants to be on my foot at all times. He also learned that when Mom says 'here, now!!!" that he better hurry or he will get chased by either Gabe or Joe!!! Hilarious!!! The first time I told him that, he was about 10 feet from me and Joe tore ass after Colt.....Yeah, safest place to be is on my foot!!! Ellis is lovign the fact that I take Colt away from him and, well, ellis kinda got in bed with me last night and it took me and Jeff pushing him to get him down when Jeff came to bed....he is a good snuggle dog and I just needed some Dog snuggling last night, LOL !!! Anyhow, I am feeling much better and very excited that my Biz is taking off right now! I have a lesson student, 12 horses on consultant contract and well, its getting better! Go check out my website!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Have you ever just felt like....BLAH???? I cant seem to shake the funk. I dont want to do anything but sleep.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Life and its ups and downs

Well, i have been one moody little brat here lately. Seems like I am crying one minute, fighting mad the next and happy as a lark the next. I was very happy to go and run barrels on Saturday, but, even though I was happy with how my horse worked, I was crying about it later. Whats up with that? It seems that my emotions are taking a ride of their own. I am gonna blame it on the meds they have me on, but, I think it might have to do with a lot of other things. Expectations and hard work have not been paying off for me. I am sure that the hard work is, but, I seem to have higher expectations of Gabe right now. Why should I be disappointed that we were 1/2 second too fast for the 4D??? Shit, that is cruising for Gabe!!! We ran a 23.8 on poles! Fastest time ever! yeah, we hit two...I hit two...but, damn! So, what is it gonna take for me to have fun again?

Today I Blog From The Heart.

Thank you to all my friends who accept me for who I am. The ones that know I love them even if I dont call all the time. The ones that answer the occasional heart wenching email from me to offer a shoulder. The ones that I would do anything for, all you have to do is ask. BTW, how come you guys never ask???
Anyhow, thank you to all of you awesome friends that bring tears to my eyes when I need them and when you need them. The ones who love me for my honesty and know that I will always give you my totally HONEST opinion and you also know what not to ask me about cause I am way too honest... LOL. All the friends that I may not have seen in a while, but, man, I sure miss you guys every day. I would welcome any of you in my home at the drop of a hat. I would do double back flips if it would make you smile and I am always here for you. Even though it seems that you guys have been there for me more than the other way around, I want you to know, I am here. I can help, listen and love. All I ask in return is for you to love me for who I am.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Colt 45 Trying Hard To Fill Big Shoes!

Brianna really did some good with Colt yesterday! He slept like a rock last night! YEAH YEAH YEAH That little girl really knows how to train dogs! I think she has a very special gift! cheeze Colt has some big shoes to fill since we lost Ruger. Now Colt 45 is my hauling partner! Today I think I am gonna teach him to "stay close" meaning that when we are out in the pasture, he has to stay close to me. Ruger would get a few yards away and I would say "stay close" and he would come back to my side. Colt also did something really smart last night. I told him to "leave it" referring to his toy and him going outside. I used to tell Ruger to do that when he wanted to carry his toy outside. He would drop it and go out. I told Colt to do that and he took the bone back to the living room and dropped it and came back to the door. He is very smart and I am very pleased at how well he is learning things! Brianna taught him to heel and to walk on a leash! YEAH YEAH YEAH He also is very good at the trailer. He just lays down and waits. No barking, crying or anything! cheeze I think that he will be an awesome dog and he is working really hard at filling those shoes! Good Goin

Ellis, the black lab, looked for Ruger last night. He knew that I had returned from a BR and expected Ruger to come through the door. He got a lot of loving last night and settled in. Cloud nine I snuggled with him on the floor and he settled down. God Love him. Jeff played fetch with him and spent a lot of time with him yesterday. Good Goin

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Its Time

Its time. He is Suffering.

When do you know when...

OK, kinda sounds strange, but, I wonder when or how will I know when its time. I hate for Ruger to be in pain and last night, he was in pain. But, this morning, he was OK, not all better, but OK. I just cant handle knowing that something is eating him away and that I dont know how he feels or if he is just a little un comfortable or totally in pain. He has never been really bad about crawling in my lap when he doesnt feel good, but, last night he did.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ruger is Dying of Melanoma Cancer

Well, right now I am crying uncontrollably. My baby boy is dying of Melanoma Cancer. That is all I can think to say right now.