Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Past....

You know, in High School I was not a popular person. In fact, I would say I was a dork and I am sure many would agree. But now there is this place called facebook and has allowed me to find the folks that thought I was a dork and ask to add them as my friends on there....And some, well I could very well be friends with now days! They have grown up and broken free of their little clicks. But some....well, I really dont know. I was browsing and it makes me wonder how much some of them have invested in plastics.....lol Then some, I wonder when and if they ever eat......then there are the ones that I dont really even recognize...and it seems those are the ones that are chatty and down right funny! The others, well i guess they added me for the same reason i added them.....to see their pics and to see if they have changed and if so, in what ways. Well, move over Barbie.....cause you got some competition...sad thing is, I am NOT in that rat race! But how do these folks keep that perfect hair, body and boobs? Must take a lot of time out of real life to maintain all of that....I am just sayin.....Maybe I found what I was looking for. Maybe I found out that I turned out all right and pretty secure with my personal growth. I have not changed a lot, but I dont feel as if I need to fit in with these folks. Now more than ever I see why I was such a dork in High School. I was just me. I was myself. I still am. And damn it, there is nothing wrong with that!