Sunday, February 26, 2023

I'm Baaackkk

 It's been a while! But I feel like it's time to share some new things!!! I have been going through a lull in the last two years. Time to get back on track! First off, I'm taking part in loosing weight, getting fit and working towards my best self! Let's start with my supplements! Check out Lev-el products! I love the women's vitamins, apple pie shakes and the black DTF patches! 👉🏻

Next up, I joined a gym last fall! Rockin at Hardbodies in Terrell! I have had to miss some due to stupid body things like my bulging disc in my back and some sickness due to temperature swings and pollen. Y'all, my body hates winter/spring! However, after my back injection on Friday, and my new doctor sorting me out, I will be back at it next week!!!! So far I'm down about 13 pounds since January!

Lynx is still down and out. I can give a lesson a week on him but not much else. I do take the opportunity to get on him and lightly ride after I give the lesson. He is dealing with a core lesion in his deep digital flexor tendon on his right front and a smaller lesion on his front left. Barrel racing is out for my champion. It's ok. He will be ok. We just have to adjust our adventures! He is still my spoiled brat! 

My colt finally came home from the trainer. He basically has 60 days on him. It just took FOREVER to get that done. Not blaming the trainer! We have had some interesting weather, the trainer got really sick and Whiskey was on her back burner. He finally leveled out and leveled up! Now time for me to put in the time to polish him off! I plan to work on our relationship and see how far I can get with him. I do have a plan to send him to my friend Dee for 30 days. She is the one that put the first 90 on Lynx, polished Goose and Joe. She gets them soft in the face, working great off leg and gets the walk/trot pattern on them that STICKS! All three of the others she worked with ran the same pattern and I loved it! Whiskey wasn't slated for a barrel horse. Nope. I was actually thinking of doing cattle work or ranch versatility with him. However, he is BORED. He is fast. He is smart. I think that I might be able to do anything on him! He is about the size of Gabe the babe and about the same personality! Little lazy, athletic, wants to please but wants to make you work for it. I like him! Since he has been home (1week) I have gotten two rides on him! First was just round pen. Second was round pen and my "arena" aka front pasture! He did pretty darn good! We are working on verbal commands. He has already picked up shhhhh for turn, easy for transition down, walk, trot, lope, and whoa. Now to fine tune all of that and get him stopping on his hind end vs just stoping all four feet! Oh, and we are tuning on back. We had a rainy week with me having fever and back pain! So Friday I got my back injection at L5/S1. I plan to ride again Monday! 

The farrier came Friday. Whiskey, Lynx and Declan (the palomino I use for lessons) all got their pedicures. I'm sure they all appreciate it. Whiskey was over due and Declan needed his front shoes back on! Lynx gets gimpy when his toes get long. It's only been six weeks but the new green grass (thanks to the rain) has spurred up his growth! 

Next plan for Whiskey is to get him softened in his face. He likes to root a little bit. It's an easy fix. Im also going to add in more random stuff for him in the front pasture and try to figure out which of my five saddles works best on him! It's nice to have one to ride!!! Hopefully with my weight loss, strength training and over all improved wellness, I can get a regular schedule working with him! Well,  around the rain! Thank you Lord for the rain!

I have increased my number of students! I have one 9yo, a couple of 12 year olds, a 13 year old and one adult! Now if the weather will play nice, this means I can afford my equine habit! 

Update on my dogs because I feel like I never give updates on them. Baby girl aka Gauge is now 15! She is my red heeler! She is still going strong despite her congestive heart failure (over a year on meds) and her being deaf! She gets summit to keep her bad hips working for her! Yes, I still love summit for my horses and dogs and even have C4S capsules for myself! 👉🏻

Slick the cow dog (my Auggie) is now 1.5 years old! Honestly, I can't believe he is finally fully house broke and a pretty darn good dog! Still loving the puppy life! Cole, my blue heeler that we adopted Christmas of 2019, is still very youthful and super happy to live with us! Gunther.. my ladox, is spoiled rotten at the ripe age of.. oh my... 11? 

My human child is now 12, weighing in over 100#, wearing size 14 pants and small men's shirts 🫣 and size 10 shoes... obviously is growing like a weed! We are going to finish sixth grade in honors classes with A's! He is playing baseball and has shown interest in basketball! He is the only one who brought home a nice buck from deer season! Honestly, I'm excited about watching him excel in baseball this year! Go Kaufman Heat!! 

My hubby, Jeff, is healthy and working hard as usual! He keeps everything moving around here! He just recently did a tree trim in the back pasture and the bushes in the front of the house got a good hatch job  (long over due). I'm sure he will start mowing this week! That man loves to mow!! We have been married for 15 years now and together for 23 🤯 How time flies! 

Well, that is my brain for the moment! Hopefully I can keep up with this blog more often!!! I also have a horse only blog at 👉🏻