Thursday, April 30, 2009

More Pictures

Here are some pics I took today.

Just A Few Thoughts On Love

You know, I keep hearing "You have done more than I would have to save that filly" "You dont have anything invested, perhaps its best to have her put down instead of running up the vet bill" and "you are a good mom because you sacrificed to save that foal". Then I got to thinking of what my Dad would have said about the vet bill "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!! PUT HER DOWN!!! A 52 Cent bullet is a LOT cheaper!!" And that sums it up for pretty much anyone I know....except my husband. Jeff simply said "If that vet can save her life, its worth it". He never once said anything about hurry to pick her up so the bill wont be high or $275 for plasma is too high or anything of that sort. Folks, Our bill is around sixteen hundred bucks. He needs to buy tires for his truck and endless other things we needed to get with that money.....he never said a word like crap that is high...He simply says "I just hope she lives through all of this" then he goes out to the pasture and checks on her......we all have our differences.....but I am soooooo glad that my husband is with me on the vet bills. To save a life, its worth it. He was like that with TJ first horse that we thought had "choke" but ended up that he ruptured his sphincter valve due to cancer......that was a bill that was not as high as this one but close....Same with Ruger. Both of those ended in death, so we are praying for her to make it through!!!

On another note, I know that the folks who said "you have done more than i would have" are just saying that. Because I know that if you saw this filly in person, you would have pulled out all the stops. She is so alert and so full of life.....You just cant help but want to try....

BTW, Bailey is home now. She has a 50/50 chance right now. It seems we are just waiting to see some improvement. He hock and stifles are swollen and she is still gimpy...BUT she is using the back right leg more and more. She can get up on her own now even though its just one big movement. Since she got home yesterday afternoon, her hock is 50% less swollen. She is putting weight on the hind right leg...something she has not done. I think she needs some grass, sunshine, and love. I have to give her pills twice a day and hydrotherapy her back end twice a day. She is pretty easy to handle.....Feel free to come over and give her kisses!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17th.

I dont know what else to title this!!! Anyhow, Bailey is still fighting! She is getting around good, but she has a limp! She has foal heat scours now, but that is nothing near as bad as she was two days after her birth. Her Mother coliced last night, but she was over it quick. I guess I caught it early enough! I did get to ride every day this week. Except today because of the down pour, but I love the rain!

Hick, the dun horse that I repo'ed last month, well, I still hate that horse. I was going to ride him Monday (or was it Tuesday?) and when I went to bridle him, he wacked me HARD in the face and messed me up a little. I now have a shinner and my neck has been killing me. So after he got a good cussing and was drug to the round pen and I wanted to kill him, Jeff took over. He is NOW JEFF's HORSE. I refuse to mess with him other than feeding him and putting fly spray on him.....Other than that, he can have him! He wont let me sell him again...grrr..

Anyhow, I filed for my unemployment and cannot request payment until April 26th. Today I dealt with the credit card is just a credit card that is maxed out and the other is a credit card with vet bills...called care credit. Anyhow, both credit companies had awesome "financial stress counselors" My credit score has greatly improved and they had already lowered my interest rate. Well today I locked in 6.6% for 4 months with capital one and the did some other things too. I no longer need to worry with over limit or late fees. Well for 4 months. After four months, my rate goes to fixed 13% but compared to what they were going to do before I called, that is a hell of a deal!! They were fixing to bump it to 12% plus prime which is around 15% right now! SO she fixed me up really good. Now just have to pay it down!! Care credit is a no interest or fees deal for so long then after that 29.9...well they dropped me down to 10% instead. So I guess my point is, they helped me out!!! Sallie Mae, my student load handler already has me down to an affordable rate. So now I just have to get those checks in and put them to the bills!!

I bought plants. I cant grow Ivy....but I bought a handful of tomato, squash and strawberry plants. Not too many mind you, but enough to keep me busy. I plan to plant them on the east side of the house. It gets full morning sun, so I think they will be better there in that flower bed. I also bought a Hoe....LOL I have no idea what I am doing, but I have the help of CJ, the one who owns the feed store and sold me the plants, to help! She told me that I will be OK.....we shall see. Dont worry I will get pictures!! LOL

OK going to go enjoy the rain and be a housewife! Oh one more thing, can you guys please pray for me? I need a job and Lord willing, I want to teach. I want to teach so bad it hurts! I have put in an application to teach FCCLA (home ec) at a high school and I am the only applicant, but they are holding out to find someone with certification. Ugh. I however, have put in to be tested to get temporary certification. I have also shown interest in the ag teaching position at the local HS right down the road. So guys, it means a lot to me! Please say a prayer for me!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Its Been Stressful

Well this week has been tough. Bailey, the new filly that was Born on April 5th, got deathly ill. On Tuesday night I found her down. She was still able to get up and nurse, but she did not want too. I knew that she was dehydrated and if I did not act very fast, we were gonna loose her. I called the vet and he told me what to do. Well today is Saturday and we now have an active little 6day old filly! Big change from Tuesday. We tended to her round the clock to make sure that she had fluids and meds. Poor girl. But she is now full of it and wont think twice about getting away from ya!!
Monday I went to the schools to find a new job. I especially took a shine to the FCCLA teaching position at one of the high schools. Hopefully they took a shine to me!
As far as work goes, well, I was not able to go in wed but I did go in thurs and I can tell you that I was not welcome. I was basically told that they did not need me anymore and to leave. So I got the rest of my stuff and left. But I had to come home and care for Bailey anyhow, so I am over it. Next week, I will be pounding the pavement to find a new job/career. My resume is update, I have copies of my transcripts, so now all I need is someone looking to hire!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well sorry for those of you that had to be granted permission to read my blog, but I am now looking for jobs and prefer to have my blog semi private! Yup, I was told last Thursday that I will not have a job after April 15th. The are eliminating my, I know for a fact that God has a plan, so I had my pitty party on Thursday and got to work on Friday looking for jobs. I just filled out my application for teaching at a local school. I will hand deliver that and my resume on Monday. I have also heard of a few other local jobs, so I will apply for them as well. I am not going to be discouraged. However I must find something here. I cant drive over an hour for a job that pays $10 an hour. It wont pay for itself. We cannot relocated at this time. So for everyone that wants to help.....guys I am looking!! But please dont try to tell me to drive to the city that is over an hour away or relocate! It aint gonna happen! Maybe just maybe I can get the ag teaching job at the high school one town over. That would be perfect!! But I will not hold my breath. I am applying for unemployment, but I cant officially apply until my last day. OH and since i was part time for two different entities...meaning i got paid by both Angelina and the Career Center, I am not even sure I qualify. But I did work full time (39 hours a week) so I might just have to drive to the SS office and fill out something special there. Jeff said we will be OK, but I know that I need a job to pay off my bills!! If I get a teaching job, it wont start until July, so I guess if I get one of those, I will have a little vacation!!! LOL But guys, I can assure you that I will not get all depressed over this.....My life has changed a LOT since the first of the year and I am still hanging in there....I quit nic, I had surgery for endo, started on a med that puts me in menopause, my truck issues, my broken ribs, and the list goes on. This is just one more thing and I am determine to find the good in, help me to keep my spirits up!! I need to be surrounded by positive people!

My mare is due to foal...yesterday.....still nothing!!! However she is bagged and showing all the signs....Right now she is pacing in the front pasture by herself. She is totally agitated. So we wait....Hubby is out working on the back pasture....we have thistles again and he is cutting them down by hand...we did this last year and have WAY less this year, so I guess it is working??? My sinuses are crappy today due to the 20mph wind and the yellow flowers...yuck. I still have a cracked rib that is really painful at the walk when riding, so I am still off my ponies. I will work Joe however. He loves Hick is still not right and still skinny.....Not sure how long it will take to get him back to 100%...