Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I have not posted in a few weeks. I just have not had time! But today, I do. So here ya go! I am sick of FB....share this to win, like this page, click here to see if you are a looser. Ya know? It went from being personal to being a giant never ending advertisement page. With that being said, I do like to sell things in my little groups. But having to weed through all the other crap to get updates from my friends. IDK, just annoyed. I actually thought about killing my business. Im not sure why. I just feel like it is more of a pain in the ass than its worth sometimes. I dont make any money. Its like I am nothing more than just a damn social link for people and not a good one either. I think I need to step away from it for a while. I am missing out on life because I am trying too hard to keep everything going at once. That being said, I am tired. Really Really Really tired. I cant shake the feeling that my body is trying really hard to tell me something. I go to bed early (10 pm) and its not like I am just overly crazy stressed or anything but damn it, I want to take a 2-12 hour nap every day. Something is wrong. I am on all these hormones that are suppose to balance me out but its like I see the light at the end of the tunnel but I just dont have the energy to walk down the dang thing to get to it. Im really not sure why. My son goes to school every day. I dont have to chase him around all day long any more. I work all of two days a week and its nice to go to work, not crazy like it will be soon. When I am home, I dont really ever stop moving. Im either cleaning, riding, taking care of this that and the other or running errands. By the time I sit still I go get Kolton then I dont get another chance till its time to go to bed. But really, isnt that everyone? Why do I feel like I am doing 100 times more than I am capable of???? They just did more blood work on me. Lets see what that shows. Maybe I just need more or less of something? There is no amount of caffeine in the world that will wake me up either. I feel bad for even complaining about it really. I am sure we are all tired but in the back of my mind I feel as if something is wrong. On a lighter note, I got to see my family this weekend! It was great to see everyone and I was, of course, full of advice...lol Seems that adding alcohol to my brain causes me to be full of wisdom.....Im sure I annoyed the hell out of everyone. And why did the singer of the band seem to think I was the one to hit on? Shit, I was chasing around a two year old or kissing on my husband most of the time! Anyhow, it was nice to be hit on I guess....not really. But we had a great time and made it back to our house in time to still get things done at home. Kolton got to meet everyone too. On the way home Jeff asked how I think our lives would be different had we chosen to move back toward College Station vs where we are. Truthfully? God wanted us right where we are. I know it. I feel it deep inside. I feel like I am HOME. I love my family and miss them all but really, I am more happy in our home now that I have ever been in my life. Sure, I would love to go spend the weekend at the ranch or at an Aggie football game. But do I want to live there? Not really. I am not sure when my desire to live in College Station diminished. But it did. I guess I am finally happy! OK off to take a nap now.....