Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Has Begun

Well I am not sure if I posted this.....But I think I did....We put Bailey down Monday night. She shattered her patella. We will miss her.

On a lighter note, We just returned from dropping off Lynx at the trainer and Dually and Cooter at their new home (one in the same). Right now we have 5 horses in the pasture. I will miss my little boys, but I know they are off to a bright future! Lynx will not return for 3 months. I am sure that he will be just fine...he is such a smart sweet boy! Jeff rode him for the first time Wednesday. He acted as if it were just another day. Threw the saddle on him, he stood there. Jeff stepped up on to him, he just stood there. I had to lead them around to get him to move off! He would follow me around the round pen....Nice to have such a loyal pony! What am I saying...he is 15.2hh!!! And growing!!!!
My mom met us in Cleburne and we brought her back to the house. She is still sleeping...its I guess she is tired! Anyhow, she will be with us this week.....tata for now!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We Had To Put Bailey Down Last Night

I am a little torn up right now. Last night I came home around 5pm. First thing I went to do was say hi to my baby girl Bailey. She nickered and ran around.....then I saw it. I saw that her back LEFT was drawn up. Her fetlock was bent forward and she was "knuckling it" meaning she was walking on her was bad looking. I knew right then that we had to go to the vet NOW. Jeff was backing in the trailer. He saw me and heard me say we have to go to the vet. He ran in, changed and off we went. Basically, on her back right, she shattered her patella. That would me the knee cap on a horse and its located on the back leg in the stifle. Anyhow, it had to happen several days ago. Her back left was just bruised from over use. Basically, she had severed her tendons and ligaments on the right leg. All but a few that still allowed for her to lift that leg. She was a fighter, but once we got done looking over the xrays, she laid down and let us love all over her with out a fight. She was in pain. She was in a lot of pain. Our chances were grim. We could have brought her home and kept her in solitary confinement for MONTHS and pray that it would scar up and get firm. MONTHS and the chances of her not being in pain were slim too. She would always be chronically lame. I cannot stomach her suffering. So I know we made the right choice. But folks, no more bad stuff OK? God and I have some serious talking to do because I just dont see why I am being so whipped down.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Good Run In Ruston!

Friday, May 22, 2009


OK, first, I am watching wife swap...OMG. There is a dad who thinks that women HAVE to cook, clean and be cheerful......yeah right. His wife is learning that she has a freakin brain...hmmmmm.....
Another thing. I HATE COLLECTION AGENCIES!!!!!!!! I had one call and tell me he was from Memorial in Nac....well that hospital.....has never been visited by me!!!!! Come to find out its from Lufkin......I told him to mail me a bill. I REFUSE to pay things over the phone after that fraudulent call we got a while back. Keep in mind, this is a $146 that I can not trace.....Um, I cant remember where the bill went and dang it, Just send me a BILL!!!!! OHHHHH and he is going to report me to, he is a collection agency right?? Well join the freakin club. My truck note, credit card and student loans come first and shit, I cant even pay those!!!!! Ugh.

On a lighter note, I failed my test today. I took a test to get that teaching job for Family Consumer Science....Folks, it was not my degree. I failed the test. Then I went to the feed store and found out that the fertilizer company is looking for a rep....hmmmmmmmmm

Thursday, May 21, 2009

See if this works

Driving me does this work??

I am and accident looking for a place to happen.

Folks, I dont know why things happen to me. I really dont. Freak things.....The latest, Gauge stuck her foot in my eye scratching it next to the cornea. It hurts. Why does this happen? I had to have it patched and stay in the dark with both eyes closed. Yup, i had to go back to sleep all day yesterday so that it would heal. Today I got to take the patch off, but it is driving me nuts.It is weeping. It is red and irritated and I swear there is a piece of sand paper on my eye lid. I cant go outside. Why? Cause the light kills me. Even with shades. Last night I watched TV with sunglasses on....YUP, in the dark bedroom with sunglasses.
Other news~ Unemployment is investigating my termination with the college. Seems the college said they fired me but told me I was laid off. Yup, that is a conflict for sure. I feel as if I need to sue them but is it even worth it? The labor board is investigating and I am to keep requesting payment for unemployment. However, I wont receive payment until they resolve the issue. This really pisses me off. But what do ya do? I feel like calling up my former boss and cussing him out. But that is childish. So I will refrain. The woman whom also told me i was laid off and who I suspect is going to take over my job (she has been up there every day since I left) saw me at a party last weekend. She acted as if we were best friends. Folks, it took all the strength in my soul to not chew her ass. I can only wear a pretty face for so long. Sure enough, later that night, I broke down and was unable to stop crying for many hours. Lucky for me, i was already home and my awesome hubby helped me get everything out of my system. I am strong, but even the strong must let out the pain.

Joe is doing great! He looks awesome! I am proud of my accomplishments with him. We still have some personal issues, but we are learning to trust each other and that is the goal. Bailey is strong. She still has a gimp in that right hip, but she continues to run, buck and play. She has figured out that its so much easier to lay down and graze. She kinda spins on the ground and eats the grass in a circle around her....Just call her innovative!! She has a very short neck and I guess she figured out its just easier to lay down to eat!!She can rise on her own and it may not look like a normal foal getting up but its her way and it works. Like I said, she can RUN. Man can she run! I love to watch the little fart! Gabe is getting in shape for the race coming up! He is looking awesome! Amazing what keeping him up in a stall just at night does for him! He went from obese to race horse....well not quite that skinny but you know what I mean. My eye should be well by this weekend so no change in plans except perhaps I will wear sunglasses a lot more than normal...
I wish I could blog more, but my eye just hurts to look at the damn computer screen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Almost Congrats to Me!

Well tomorrow is day 100 with out Nicotine.....This is a great accomplishment!! I am proud of myself! BUT I must remember that once an addict, always an addict. So I still must keep my guard up. I must be diligent in my quit and quit every day. I must also remember what sort of hell I went through in the first 30 days. I never want to do that again!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Things and Life

Well things are going OK. I have decided to start a Bit Rental Company....well to add to my current Rachael's Equine Services. I just need to figure out how to add the stuff to the site...the paypal stuff and so on. I am collecting used bits for now! I pray that in a few months, I will offer all new bits with the option to buy! BUT that takes a little money to buy the bits....soooooooo we will rent used bits for now! I will have to charge a $35 membership a year to cover lost bits (stolen)and will limit the rental to one bit at a time....if they dont return the bit, they cannot rent another....thus the $35....To make ANY money off this deal i have to rent the bits for $15. That includes the shipping to and from. I have already ordered the flat rate small boxes from the post office...they were free. I will have to either get a new printer or figure out how to get high speed net to two computers so I can print and ship....cause this computer is the only one online and it does not talk to the HP printer that I bought 5 years ago......sigh. Anyhow, I think its gonna work, but I have got to figure out the small stuff first.

I gave a riding lesson today and taught it from Joe's back. He was kinda worn out afterword, but it was SOOO good for him! He learned that when I speak, it does not mean that he has to stop or do anything.....My lesson was at was a little hot. But I plan to take some flyers around town offering riding lessons. Perhaps business will pick up during the summer.....Gabe will be way in shape too!

I was offered a small part time gig today. I will be selling subscriptions to Cowgirl Living Magazine to retailers. Not what I was hoping but perhaps in the future it will pay off right? The folks are really nice and I sure hope I can move up the ladder!

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Business Plan In The Rough!

I am doing a bunch of brain storming and I came up with something today.......A Bit Rental Program. What is that you say???? Well basically, I would charge $100 a year membership.....You could then rent a bit for $10 to try it for a couple weeks.....Then mail it back. If you did not mail it back, you would not be able to check out another.....That is where the $100 a year comes pays for the bit that you kept...grrrrrr. Anyway, to start this up, I would have to buy a good amount of bits. I could just add it to my website or start another....something like "Bit Collectors Anonymous" Or "Bit Addicts Anonymous". Lord knows we all love bits. But we want to try before we buy right??? They are not cheap! But when we buy and they dont work, we cant just take them back!!! Not with the horse slobber on it!! So it would be great if we could "borrow" from a friend, but a lot of us are leery of loaning out because then, we might not every get that $75 bit back.......Anyhow, my biz plan in the rough would be to buy various bits that we all love to use or have interest in using.....then start "renting" them out. I have the perfect horse to try each bit on because Gabe is so broke that I can get a good feel for what the bit "does" by riding him in it.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Well Its Just Not Going Good

OK, I guess when it rains it pours. That is about all I can think of to describe my life right now. I got a call last night and my other side job that I had making $150 a month just got cut down to $50 a month. I was going to use that money to help pay mu truck note!!! I totally understand why they had to do it, but it does not mean that it does not make me just go "CRAP!!!!!" Basically since I am not able to travel as much to barrel races, I cant do my job. I still do the trivia weekly but I was cut back to doing trivia once a week instead of twice a week. Something is telling me that God must have something grand planned for me because after all the beat down, there has to be something good coming out of it right??? It just seems that things are just going to crumble. Maybe I am being set up to make a major career change???? I am still studying for my family consumer sciences content exam for a job that I am not sure I will get. But this will be a $200 effort to get that job. I am starting to feel like I have been black listed around this town too....ugh. What did I do to deserve all of this????? Bobby, maybe its time to find out how to just work for myself!! Anyone want to give me a loan to get started????