Friday, May 8, 2009

A Business Plan In The Rough!

I am doing a bunch of brain storming and I came up with something today.......A Bit Rental Program. What is that you say???? Well basically, I would charge $100 a year membership.....You could then rent a bit for $10 to try it for a couple weeks.....Then mail it back. If you did not mail it back, you would not be able to check out another.....That is where the $100 a year comes pays for the bit that you kept...grrrrrr. Anyway, to start this up, I would have to buy a good amount of bits. I could just add it to my website or start another....something like "Bit Collectors Anonymous" Or "Bit Addicts Anonymous". Lord knows we all love bits. But we want to try before we buy right??? They are not cheap! But when we buy and they dont work, we cant just take them back!!! Not with the horse slobber on it!! So it would be great if we could "borrow" from a friend, but a lot of us are leery of loaning out because then, we might not every get that $75 bit back.......Anyhow, my biz plan in the rough would be to buy various bits that we all love to use or have interest in using.....then start "renting" them out. I have the perfect horse to try each bit on because Gabe is so broke that I can get a good feel for what the bit "does" by riding him in it.....

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