Monday, February 11, 2008

Life and its ups and downs

Well, i have been one moody little brat here lately. Seems like I am crying one minute, fighting mad the next and happy as a lark the next. I was very happy to go and run barrels on Saturday, but, even though I was happy with how my horse worked, I was crying about it later. Whats up with that? It seems that my emotions are taking a ride of their own. I am gonna blame it on the meds they have me on, but, I think it might have to do with a lot of other things. Expectations and hard work have not been paying off for me. I am sure that the hard work is, but, I seem to have higher expectations of Gabe right now. Why should I be disappointed that we were 1/2 second too fast for the 4D??? Shit, that is cruising for Gabe!!! We ran a 23.8 on poles! Fastest time ever! yeah, we hit two...I hit two...but, damn! So, what is it gonna take for me to have fun again?

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