Monday, February 11, 2008

Today I Blog From The Heart.

Thank you to all my friends who accept me for who I am. The ones that know I love them even if I dont call all the time. The ones that answer the occasional heart wenching email from me to offer a shoulder. The ones that I would do anything for, all you have to do is ask. BTW, how come you guys never ask???
Anyhow, thank you to all of you awesome friends that bring tears to my eyes when I need them and when you need them. The ones who love me for my honesty and know that I will always give you my totally HONEST opinion and you also know what not to ask me about cause I am way too honest... LOL. All the friends that I may not have seen in a while, but, man, I sure miss you guys every day. I would welcome any of you in my home at the drop of a hat. I would do double back flips if it would make you smile and I am always here for you. Even though it seems that you guys have been there for me more than the other way around, I want you to know, I am here. I can help, listen and love. All I ask in return is for you to love me for who I am.

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