I am home! I stayed after to talk with the teacher one class over. I really enjoyed talking to her! I guess teaching is my field because her and I talked about theories and learning strategies for about an hour. We also talked about the different stages of the learner and the social groups that form at different ages. I was really enjoying the level of intellect that was at play during the conversation....I guess I am getting into my classes and really drawing on my past knowledge today! Maybe I need to go do some more home work while I am still in the mood to talk about learner needs. It was nice to remember that I am smart and do have a future in teaching. I think I shocked the hell out of the other teacher! When I was working on my Master's degree I did a lot of work on learning how to engage the students in the classroom and in online classrooms. I studied a lot on social structures and how to reach different types of learners at different levels of learning. I was also required to reflect on myself as a learner and I guess if I was ever tested I would have ADD or something because I learn more by having multiple tasks at hand to complete. I am really better learning online because I can do 5 assignments at the same time. There is nothing to hold me back. Anyhow, when observing the classes today and having to write a reflection paper on my observations I got a little carried away talking about how the teachers really need to focus on engaging the students. A science class should be interactive! OK, now I am boring you...lol Here is some of my normal banter.
On a lighter note, I got my WBR video today!!!! Its awesome!!! They even added me and Booger in the match race on there for me! It kinda brought some tears to my eyes while i was laughing at him bouncing around on that mule! I also got to see my video on Gabe in slow motion and at first I thought that his left hind leg looked kinda "off" going into the first barrel. It does but it looks more like he might have put it down wrong just that one stride and was testing it for the next couple strides. I say this because once we got around that barrel, he was really reaching with that left hind leg!!!!!! In fact, he was really reaching for the entire run. However, I sat too soon on the second and the third......about a half a stride. If i had stayed up he would have slid around it instead of slinging me around it. But boy howdy does he set up when my butt hits the back of that saddle!!!!