Sunday, October 3, 2021

Day 1-4 of Dealing with Vid

 It all started on Wednesday, September 29, 2021. My son suddenly felt feverish at school at 3:30pm. His eyes were red and itchy and just ached all over. Then he was on the bus to come home to me. He had a fever of 100.9°. He received his dose of Tylenol. His fever went away. Right away. Still feeling achy, he went to bed around 9pm. Since he didn’t have any fever, no meds. Since we all have horrible allergies, this was likely a sinus issue or the current cold virus going around. I woke at 5:30 am on September 30 and took his temperature. He was up to 102°. He received another dose of Tylenol. An hour later it was steady at 100° so I administered a dose of Advil. I did contact the doctor and we had a telemed visit with her. She wanted to test for flu/step/vid. Sigh. Ok. 

Flash back to September 27th. I had horrible pain in my chest. See, I was kicked in the chest by my horse on September 7th and had to hitch a ride via ambulance to Big Baylor due to trauma. It was bad. Lucky for me, I didn’t break or rupture anything. I had swelling in my chest cavity and my heart was doing funny stuff. I have a history of PVC’s and low BP. Well, since my BP was around 70/40 and was having PVC’s (they called it dropped heart beats) they admitted me for observation. I was kept on the throrasic floor for four days. I finally had got my BP back to normal and my heart calmed down. I came home and rested another 4 days then went back to light work (for me) such as feeding horses, giving lessons etc. But on September 27, this pain in my sternum area was HORRIBLE. SO, my doctor sent me back to Baylor. All Checked out. They put me on laxatives and such. Moving forward. 

Back to September 30… the doctor sent people out to my truck to pull flu/strep and rapid vid tests on both of us. My son’s rapid was positive, mine was not so they did a PCR on me. Mine came back negative. Ok. Well, can you please do a PCR on my son? The answer was no. Sigh. They called in prednisone for my son. He felt 100% better that evening and the next day. So I decided that on October 1, we would just run to CVS and get PCR pulled on us both. 

Meanwhile, my son hasn’t run any fever. I haven’t run any fever. Other than the laxatives doing their thing and my chest pain, nothing seems off. I mean, I got kicked in the chest by a horse! Last night, October 2nd, I was out feeding horses, de-worming my horses and watering the horses. I actually was feeling pretty all right. I get a text. My PCR is now positive. With this in mind, as soon as my son spiked a fever, I took the dose of ivermectin for my body weight. I did for 3 days. I didn’t GIVE any to my son as he was feeling awesome. 

So I get my test back but haven’t gotten his back. Keep in mind, we took them at the same time. Today is October 3rd. I did ha e some dizziness yesterday but that has been going on for a week. This am I woke with tightness in my throat. Still dizzy. My son is still 100%. My husband received the vaccine. So of course, he didn’t get tested. He feels fine. 

I’m writing this down thinking about how things could be so much worse. I’m also thinking about how the vid came into my house. Obviously my son contracted it first and I’m secondary. No one is currently positive at his school or so the reports reflect that no one is positive. Perhaps it was a baseball player? Who knows. My son will miss out on a week and a half of school. Maybe more depending on his PCR test he will take after 10 days…….again, he is fine. 

This is simply mind boggling for me. If it was the flu, he would be out until fever/symptom free for 24 hours. If my husband had not gotten the v-card, he would be out of work until we all tested negative. Considering my son has been symptom free since 9/30, I have the symptoms but yet it could be from the medication I am on due to my traumatic injury…. My brain is thinking…. Wow. What a cluster! If I didn’t get a second PCR, I would never had known… how many people out there are feeling slightly off due to allergies, walking around like normal… and might test positive? 

Looking at the bigger picture….. why did my son only have fever and symptoms for less than 48 hours? How much $$$$$$ is the government making off these positive tests? I am listed as unvaccinated. In the past they said that once you have it, you are good. You have the antibodies. Now, they will push the vaccine on me regardless. No thank you. Now my son and I both have the antibodies to fight it off. But wait! They say…. That is no longer true! 😱 I’m seriously starting to wonder about the entire approach to the vid. It’s a virus. If you have it, get over it, you have the antibodies. My rational mind knows this. Heck, that is common sense! Sure, I could go down hill quickly, I had blunt force trauma to my CHEST. I HAD BRONCHITIS BEFORE I was kicked in the chest, my lung capacity is still operating normally but it legit hurts to take a deep breath…. Because I GOT KICKED IN THE CHEST BY A HORSE. So what am I going to do? I’m going to continue my vitamins, ivermectin, inhaler, and stay in lock down. I am going to go outside and feed my horses. I am going to snuggle my dogs. I am going to cook dinner. I am going to go on with life. Ok, I will distance myself from the world until my test comes back negative. Yes, I’m praying that this is as light as it was for my child. 

I honk I will blog about my journey so that one day I can look back and say…. Yeah…. That was a little scary but the flu was way more scary!