OK, Well, Life has begun! I just got my website up for my BIZ!!! www.rachaelsequineservices.biz
I am offering to put peeps ads up on there for $15 a month! I have got to find a way to have it pay for itself! I will also ad a direct link to your website for $5 a month or $30 a year. So, I am trying to install some software to keep track of all that! My poor laptop is going "geez lady, what now???" But, so far, its holding up!
Whats married life like? Hm, well, its good! Jeff was very proud of me for building my site! He looked it over real good last night and was asking about how we can really rake it in for the site! I purchased a program to take video from my DV and upload it to youtube So I can share on my myspace, my site and where ever! Jeff seems to be his same old self! God love him! We decided against joint checking due to my weird expenses and now we are trying to figure out if we will be filing taxes together for 2007. If so, I am forcing him to send his stuff to MY accountant cause he is still working on his stuff from last year!!!
Oh, that whole what s mine is his and VS, well, Whats mine is his and whats his is ours! How do you like that! I like it!!!! Last night he came outside to watch me ride and clean up the barn a little. He was really sleepy, but, I am trying to teach him that its better to go outside and do things than to sit on your hinny in the house!!! When his 3yo gets back (Hick, the horse) he is going to have to be working him in the round pen while I am riding Gabe so that he gets his daily dose of brain treatment. I am planning on working the snot out of both horses to get ready for next spring!
OK, thats my rant for today!
This font color is freakin hard to read. Can you please change it?
PSSSSTTTTT~ You are no fun!
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