Saturday, November 10, 2007

So, I havent posted in a while....

OK, here is a post cause someone said I am not posting enough!!!

Big gripe for the day. Yup, I am sick again. I have a double ear infection and this time its actual puss in the ears. Yuck. I spike a fever, I go down. YAY. I decide to work Gabe and Hick in the round pen last night. Bad idea. Something about horses going in circles around me.....yeah, made me want to puke. So, Bad idea.
This morning, I woke up at 6:30 am with a horrible back ache. Chalk it up to "that time of the month" even though I have gone over 65 days with out that time...maybe I am getting close. Anyhow, i was in horrible pain, so, I got up and sat on the couch. Then, I decided to go get donuts, milk, eggs and stuff. I got to the store before 7am....when they, i went for the donut shop first. $13 later....yeah, that was expensive!!! I got to go to the Grocery store. I came home and Jeff came in from hunting. He thought i went to Ace cause they are having a big sale. I asked when they opened and he said 7am, so, I went back to town...Good thing the town is only 3 miles from the house....anyhow, I bought Batteries for the shock collar for colt, hooks to hang in the trailer for towels and such....Halters when i am not living in it. Then I bought wormer for the herd. Somehow, I spent $113. Ouch. I came home and Ruger had a snotty nose on the side where he has no eye due to a massive abscess. Yeah, not good news. I ran him to town to get some more antibiotics. Doc seems to think its good that its on his sinus cavity cause it will drain. I dunno. I am worried again.
Anyhow, my next issue is that Jeff went and bought more lumber to finish out two stalls....One for Hick and one for Joe.....That way if there is a freeze, i can put Blankets on them. Well, he unloaded the truck and took off to Jarid's house to get a trailer to move his washer/dryer and his ford that does not run. That was at 2pm. I was on the couch with the head swimming thing....I asked that he please be home to feed cause I could not do it. Every time I go out there, my fever spikes. Well, its 7:30pm and no Jeff. Needless to say I feed two hours ago cause I needed to tend to Gabe's puncture as well. I cleaned his stall and filled his water and fed everyone. Yeah, not good for sick peeps to do.....Still have not heard a word from Jeff.
Oh, to top it all off, he wants to go to Llano to hunt with his Dad. Yeah, he wants to go next weekend. We have a million things to do......including sorting through his crap to make this house look normal again....including making room for the fold out couch, putting the TV in the bed room, getting the Dog kennel out of the living room, putting the entertainment center back together, and a number of other crap. I reminded him that Mom will be in town a week from Wednesday and asked that he get this crap done before he leaves town for hunting.....Fair right??? Well, he is still out.......Oh and that he finishes the stalls ASAP cause I think we will be in for a freeze soon and I want to be able to stall my boys so that the mares wont run them out of the barn. Sigh....Was that good enough???

1 comment:

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

Honey. I'm so sorry you feel bad!