Well, its has been a while and a LOT has been going on! Joe is off in Vinton having surgery. He is having his balls removed....One of them was deep inside of his abdominal cavity.....he also was freeze branded and had his leg x-rayed. He is FINE! He will return home on Tuesday! Gabe on the other hand had a full work up. He had to have both front ankles injected as well as his left stifle. Yeah, that might explain why he decided to act like TJ at the last barrel race! So, he should be fine! But, it took a BIG toll on the pocket book!!!! YIKES! Gabe's bill was $699 and there is NO telling what Joe's surgery cost! OMG I dont even want to see that bill!!! But, all is well.
Gauge is getting BIG and cute! Dually and Cooter are growing fast too! Tottie is getting more and more like a horse that will stay around for a LONG while! We love her and decided not to sell her. She is so docile and easy to work with. Jeff has been leaning on her back and she just stands there. She will follow you anywhere in the pasture. Chivas and Cooter are still up for sale and hopefully she is bred to Joe. We will be taking Chivas and Day to Delta Equine to have them palpated and get Day's stifles injected. We are also going to go ahead and geld Dually. He dropped at day 5 and is still dropped. We have been told that since he is dropped, we can cut him and it is actually easier on them at this age than it would be at a later date! So, why not!!!
Jeff and I are doing great! Just trying to get the bills paid, trailer fixed up (both of them) animals taken care of and such. He got me a frame for Mothers Day! Anyhow, all is well!
So why are you getting presents from Jeff for Mother's day,,, is there something that you are not telling us....:)
NOOOO, just the 8 horses, 3 dogs and 6 cats!!!!
that's mother enough right there, rach!
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