Sunday, November 2, 2008


Back in March, we diecided to take MY tax refund and use it to put a weekend package in the trailer. Some say they are proud that we tackled this project....Tackle? NO. This was done by me and Mr Atwell. He is a Godsend. However, between me and Lisa, we did the screwing (of wood) of most everything. Jeff does not seem to be motivated whatsoever....He just came in and asked what to do with the mattress cause he wants to work on the nose. Um, I asked for a closet??????? WTF??? Oh and he scraped all the sealant off the roof. We have a leak............Been a leak for many years and he is JUST NOW sealing it....He would not let me do it...Again.....I would LOVE to rip the carpet out and put wood floor down. But that would cause a divorce. He just thinks or treats me like I am not capable of doing ANYTHING but cook and clean......NO..... I can do lots of things! However, if he shoots me down one more time, .....Anyhow, I am venting cause he wants to hunt and he still has not glued the trim on the it can he can hang them TODAY..... Oh and what about the closet rod??? OMG I think I will kill him in his sleep.....Now he is cussing cause the screws are striped out...


~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

want me to smack him around for you?

Anonymous said...

AHHHHH young love..

Anonymous said...

If screws are stripped in wood, stuff the hole with toothpicks and glue (if you don't have the right wood putty). When the glue dries, you can screw again... but wait until you are healed from your operation and the doc says it is okay. LOL

GarlicMan76458 aka Mike
Circle P Farm and Ranch
Cundiff, TX 76458