Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ahhhh Another Year Gone By.....

Yup, I am 30 today....No, I dont feel it and really, its been a very nice day! I went and got my hair cut....

And My Wonderful Hubby Sent Me Flowers!! Yup, he even hand picked the roses! He is so sweet!

I was wished a happy birthday by a lot of my friends! I love you guys and thank you for keeping me around another year!!


Dr. G said...

Love shell

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday... you don't look blond???


Rachael said...

LOL I was blond...then I dyed it brown!!! I am natural blond....

Rachael said...

Hey Garlic Man....Who are you?

Anonymous said...

I'm just an ol'fart trying to learn about horses and googled and found Pony Girl which lead me to link after link, some boring and some to make you think... and eventually to you.

My wife's family has a farm and ranch. I'm a gardener and I am growing organic garlic. Hence, the name: Garlic Man. My full name is GarlicMan76458, but you can call me Garlic Man for short. (76458 is the zip code for Jacksboro and Cundiff, TX where the ranch is.)

I just came across your blog and like it a lot! I'm 61 and grew up on Led Zep, Aerosmith, etc. so I LUV your music selections(like Pink too)

btw, do you know Robby Boyce? Do you know who he is?

Garlic Man aka Mike

ps Was that more than you wanted to know?

pps The hair looks great.

Rachael said...

Nah, I wanted to know who you were! Good Job! Boy that name sounds familiar...but no...I dont know that person off hand...Glad you love the tunes! I am a fan of music in general.....but the kind you can sing too!! Not a fan of stuff so heavy you cant hear the words....Anyhow...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful as ever!!!!! :)