Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ah. Barrel Racing is good for the Soul.

So, yesterday aka Jan. 16th and Jeff's 33rd birthday, We went to a Barrel race. We hauled Joe and Gabe...of course my dog got to come too. :) It was a little muddy but overall we had a blast! We got there early and saddled up for exhibitions on Joe. Jeff actually went with me and that is rare! Joe and I managed to actually lope the pattern for the first time!!! We loped a 25 second pattern. Gabe, well......lets just say that I pulled a check for 2nd in the 4D so I should be happy.....but he was all about the blue barrel (garbage can) on the other side of the fence!!!! So, we came in hauling butt then went right past the first barrel like he did not even see it! I think I need to talk them into hanging some banners! lol After he got around the first, his second and third were nice and we had a good time. We ran a 17.1 Not sure how the heck we ran that FAST!!! I mean really, we went about 30 foot from the barrel!!!! WOW! He must have been rockin' and rollin! He felt really good too!
Well Jeff got me the pic of Joe loping his first pattern :) and everyone wanted to go out to eat. I was a little surprised when Jeff agreed and waited for everyone!~ OH and Brooke and Sarah were there too! Almost all of my favorite folks! Well we went out to eat at a mexican place with about 15 of us. It was a blast!
I joined NBHA TX 30 too. I have points there, so why not? I will post a video soon.


~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

So glad you had a great day! You sound happy! I love that!

Rachael said...

I am happy! Gotta love riding good horses! Now I have 3 to ride and I love it! Love seeing those colts "get it"!!