Friday, December 20, 2019

It's been a while..

It's been a while since I have posted on this blog! Since we last talked, we had a family of 3 dogs. Sadly, Colt passed away at the end of his 12th year! It was peaceful and at home. We think he had a heart attack. So now we have two. Gauge, who will be 12 in a month and Gunther whom is 7. Having a dog or three is a big responsibility!
Gauge and Gunther are mourning the loss of their brother. Today I had the urge to go to the shelter and meet a dog named Cole. Heeler. Man, I really like this dog! But we just got down to two and neither two need a whole lot. Both are well trained and behave! Do I want to adopt and add in another child? I was going to wait for a few months but this one came across my feed and he is local. I can get a pretty good read on a dog based off first impressions and Cole seems to be kind, loving and loyal. But am I ready to take one on that might need some training? My brain is saying it will be fine! My heart says he will fit in! My logic says no. I don't always listen to logic. If I did, I would not have my horses. Heck, I would not have the two dogs I have now!!! So I'm going to sleep on it. Perhaps God will give me an answer. He is usually pretty good and guiding me!

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