Do you ever just want to hide away from the world? I can’t believe what our country is going through right now. Politics aside, I’m truly scared for our country. From our medical rights being taken away to the removal of our troops from Afghanistan…. What is happening? I can’t believe that our Governor stood up for our rights to CHOOSE then several counties went the other way….. what? How is that even possible? Texas is a Republic. Now I’m no history buff. Seriously, don’t ask me about anything related to history classes. I didn’t do well in those classes lol! But if our Governor says masks and vaccines are OUR CHOICE, then it is what it is. The fact that it WAS NOT our choice was horrific all on it’s on. Then Dallas County decided that they are just going to defy the Governor of Texas? What? Face Palm. What is next? Are they going to tell us what we can and cannot drive? What we can and cannot eat? How we will live in our own homes? Honestly, I’m getting a little overwhelmed with all of this and I’m not sure what to do. This is out of control….our control. I thought we lived in the land of the Brave and the FREE. In God We Trust. Oh wait…. Someone decided we can no longer say that. I won’t apologize. My God is a mighty God! And He is GOOD! I feel like they are slowly taking away our individuality.
Now. If you want to wear a mask, homeschool your kiddos, and live in a bunker underground, THAT IS YOUR RIGHT. By all means, grow your own food, cut off all links to the outside world. Good for you! It’s YOUR RIGHT. WE LIVE IN AMERICA. If you want to live in the city, use public transportation, and live on the grid, by all means, GO FOR IT! It’s AMERICA! But why can’t I live how I want to live? Why are we erasing history? Why are we having to fear our neighbors? Why are we being forced to put things in our bodies that we do not want to put into our bodies? Why can’t I feel free to smile when I want too in public? How on Earth do you expect teachers to teach with our children’s faces covered?I can’t even imagine. Let’s go ahead and put on ear muffs too. Blinders anyone?
Seriously though. They shut down churches but not Walmart. How is that possible? Wasn’t our country founded on religious freedom? Oh. That is right. Y’all are erasing our history. Again, THIS IS ALL INSANE. Yes, I’m just a barrel racing, horse owning, diesel driving, mom of one with a hard working husband trying to live the American dream. I must be some random red neck…. I’m not. In fact, I happen to have a Master’s Degree. I’m not saying I’m smarter than anyone else, but just because I drive a truck and ride horses doesn’t discount my intelligence. I’m just as American as you are and I know what it says in the Constitution just like you should. I also know the 10 Commandments.
My point is simple. We live in the good ol’U.S.A. And by God’s Grace, we should be living free of chaos and government tyranny. Yet, I am worried about the current state of this land. I’m allowed to vote for whom ever I wish. And my vote should COUNT. Just like every single AMERICAN CITIZEN! I did not vote to be put in chains. I’m a law abiding citizen who expects to live the way I want to live. Stop trying to control me. Stop trying to tell me that our history is a lie. Stop trying to tell me that I should trust things that don’t make sense to me. Stop trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I’m going to say it…. I am not a sheep. I am a lion! I am a child of God! I am an AMERICAN! I will say NO. I will protect my rights and the rights of my child!
I pray for this country of ours. I pray for our military. I pray for all those who stand up for our freedom! I pray for those first responders. I pray for all whom are sick. I pray that Americans will WAKE UP and take a stand for OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOM! God Bless Y’all.
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