Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Its Almost Time!

Well, its Wednesday Night! Thursday better go fast! I cant wait to go to Denton! I get to ride Hick again and see Jennifer! I also get to make the drive with Hannah! She is a talker, so no chance that I will fall asleep! I will worry about Ruger all weekend, but, I know that Jeff will take good care of him! He is a great midwife. I know first hand that he takes good care of the sick! Ruger is doing good. He is waiting for me to come to bed right now. He said (yes, again, ruger talks just like all my animals) he wants to sleep in the bed again tonight! Jeff said it doesnt affect him!
Anyhow, so this weekend, we get to go to the tack store again, right??? I am so broke that I cant even afford to drive up there, but, gotta go to the tack store! Even if its just to look! Gabe won that saddle. Its dark oil, so, I might need to pick something out to go with it! Maybe just a cheap dark headstall......Shoot, We better stay away form there if we know whats good for us....Anyhow, I am just really excited! We will have a full day at the clinic and then on Sunday we are going to Stonewall to the last CanRunners barrel race! Brooke is gonna exhibition Hick!

1 comment:

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

Woman. There will be NO time to go to the tack store!