Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ho Hum

OK, I am having a day and a half...First, I have to tell my co-worker that she did something wrong...if you have ever read anything before, you know that links to disaster. She tends to get all upset and then tries to justify everything that she does or did not do...Makes for a LONG day. Basically, I have to nod my head and play the game. Then, I go to the chiro and he says I have a rotated spine on top of an uneven hips along with scoliosis. Then, he adjust me and I leave. I go back to work and get stuck by the train. I get back with a great idea, present it to my co-worker and she managed to ask me the same question five times... I am tired...So then I have to go back to the doctor to hear about my x-rays. I wait 45 minutes for her to tell me that I need to go to the CHIROPRACTOR!! OMG I know i did not just wait for that!! Them she goes on to tell me to loose 20 pounds.......OK, i say...HOW? Anyhow, so other than being fat, sore, and having to deal with the dumb, i am OK. I cannot wait for the weekend!!! We are going to the ranch....I need it!! My butt is feeling better....kinda....but I have a LONG way to go...


~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

That sounds like a great day-NOT!

Sorry honey!

It will get better!

Anonymous said...

Cheer up, the doctor told me to loose 50 lbs!!!!!!!
Hey we love ya just the way you are (most of the time)