Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

OK, now, this is two storms that we have panicked about. BUT, this one frightens me a lot. Not sure why Gustav did not strike this much anticipation in me, but Ike....I dont know...He is HUGE and we will be on the east side or the center of the storm. Either way, we will be hit. I am very glad that I no longer live in Orange. But I wish I still lived in College Station. Yeah, I know it will rip through there, but not near what we will get out here. I have a plan of action right now. We are closing the office at 1:30pm today. I will go pick up my prescriptions including the zanax to help me sleep during all of this mess then I will head to the house. I plan to start washing ALL laundry NOW. I also plan to put things like Ruger's urn in the cedar chest. Then, I will do a million loads of Laundry and try to secure special things. Next, I will load the air mattress and bedding into the truck along with some bowls for the dogs. I am gonna put the big dog kennels in the horse trailer then hook my truck to the trailer. I am thinking that I will come up to the office and sleep Friday night. I dont trust my house with all the BIG tress around it. OK, enough fret. Stay safe!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, we made the storm how's the butt?? when can you ride?? and change the music on the blog!! Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Alman Bros, CCR, Lynrd Skynrd etc would be much better!!!!
Love Ya!