Friday, November 14, 2008

Turkey Ideas!

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Make sure turkey is thoroughly thawed.

Thawing: l) Thaw turkey in refrigerator (l to 2 days for 4-12 lbs., 2 to 3 days for 12-20 lbs, 3 to 4 days for 20 to 24 lbs) 2) If you discover the day before that the turkey is not thoroughly thawed, put bagged turkey (don't remove the wrapper) in a clean sink, fill sink with cold water and thaw for 2 to 7 hours, changing water thoroughly every hour.

Preparing: Remove giblets from neck and interior and rinse out cavities (neck and body) as well as outside of bird. Pat dry. Lightly salt and pepper cavities and insert 1/4 cube of margarine or butter, cut into pieces, for extra flavor. Stuff the bird (basic stuffing from store fine but it helps if you add onion and celery that you have sautéed in margarine or butter to the stuffing for some extra flavor - use l/2 cup of each).

Use turkey lacers to seal the body cavity. Lightly oil exterior of the bird using a vegetable oil.

Place turkey in roasting pan, breast side up. Add l cup water, one onion (peeled and quartered) and one carrot (peeled and cut in fourths) to the pan for extra flavor. You may need to add water to the pan to keep the juices from burning - add about l cup at a time.

Cooking: Put bird in oven and immediately reduce heat to 325 degrees. This is the temperature you will use to cook the bird. Loosely cover the bird with foil. Prepare basting mixture. Baste the bird every twenty minutes to one-half hour. Shield wings with extra foil.

Basting mixtures:

Option l - melt a cube of butter in a small bowl, add salt and pepper (about one quarter tsp pepper and 1/2 tsp salt), and other flavorings to taste (some people add garlic powder, I often add tarragon or rosemary - about 1/2 teaspoon). Use a pastry or other brush to thoroughly cover bird body parts.

Option 2 - instead of butter, use chicken bouillon cube and water - about one cup.

Depending upon how large and juicy the bird is, you may need to make a double or even triple basting mixture recipe.

General rule on length of time bird should cook - about 20 minutes a pound if the bird is stuffed; l5 if it isn't. Check the manufacturer’s directions on the package. If the bird is not browning sufficiently, increase the heat to 425 degrees during the last hour. Remove the foil for the last hour or so of cooking to make sure the bird gets brown. You may need to wrap extra foil around the edges of the turkey (edge of the breast, wings, legs) to prevent over-browning and drying out - I always do.

When turkey is done, remove from oven. Turkey should "rest" about 20 minutes before carving to make slicing easier.

Some cautions: Don't stuff the bird the night before - raw poultry is susceptible to salmonella (food poisoning). To store a cooked turkey in the refrigerator, remove all stuffing and put that in a separate bowl, covering it with saran wrap. Seal turkey in foil to prevent drying out.

If you are not going to finish the leftovers in about three days, freeze any excess.

Gravy: I don't know if I can give decent directions, I just do it. Take about a half cup of flour and add about one quarter cup of hot water - stir until smooth (if there are lumps, pour mixture through strainer to get lumps out). Put about one cup of turkey drippings into a pan and add flour mixture. Stir until blended.

Add salt and pepper to taste (start with one-half teaspoon of salt and one-quarter teaspoon of pepper). I usually add about one-half to l teaspoon Kitchen Bouquet but this is optional.

Cook mixture over low flame to thicken. Add milk, about 1/4 cup at a time and continue stirring. If gravy is too thin, make up more of the flour mixture and add that gradually to the gravy until you have the desired texture. If the gravy is too thick, add more pan drippings or milk.



1 extra large can yams

Dash nutmeg

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cube butter

1 teaspoon vanilla


1/2 - 1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup chopped pecans


Heat yams, drain and pour into bowl. Add other ingredients (except milk) and beat. Slowly add milk, 1/4 cup at a time. Add pecans. Turn into greased casserole dish and top with marshmallows. If regular temperature, cook 10 minutes, covered in 350 degrees oven, then 5 min. uncovered. If refrigerated, cook 20 minutes, covered, then uncovered 5 - 10 minutes.


1/2 lb pork links, cut fine

5 cups bread crumbs, l/2 white, 1/2 cornbread

1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup chopped onion

3/8 teaspoon salt

1 cup chopped celery

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1/2 chicken bouillon cube dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water 1/2 teaspoon tarragon

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

2 eggs

1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning

Cook celery and onion in butter in large fry pan until soft. Combine bouillon and water. Combine bread crumbs and cubes in large bowl, then add liquid and vegetables. Cook sausage in fry pan. Let cool until lukewarm. Add salt, pepper, eggs, sausage and other seasonings to drippings. Combine thoroughly. Add dripping mixture to crumb mixture and mix well. Yields 5-6 cups.



3 cups cubed turkey

2 cups Monterey Jack, shredded

1 1/2 cups low fat cottage cheese

Oil to soften tortillas

2 dozen tortillas


1 large onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

2 tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon oregano

2 8 oz cans tomato sauce

1 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon salt

Soften tortillas by frying briefly on each side in oil. Combine turkey, 1 1/2 cups Jack cheese and cottage cheese. Put 1/4 cup mixture on each tortilla, roll up tortilla over filling and place in 9x13x2" baking dish. Sauté chili, onion and garlic in oil. Add other ingredients (except remaining jack cheese) and simmer 5 minutes. Pour over enchiladas. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake in 350 degree oven for 25 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you must really be bored!!!