Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Hey Guys! I sure hope you all had a great Christmas!!! New Year is right there...so close I can touch it!! All is well here! Well, kinda. Jeff threw his back out on Sunday and I am recovering from a cold. Bu all in all, we are fine! We went to the house I grew up in For Christmas Eve Eve. Its a family tradition when me and my full brother got to spend Christmas Eve Eve and Eve morning with our half siblings, Brian and Renee. Anyhow, since the divorce (my folks), we have had the celebration at Brian's or Renee's. Last year we did not have it due to the wedding and my sis (Nei) being way preggers....Anyhow, My Dad has been living in the house and FEMA is buying it out from under him due to all the damage it has aquired from various floods. It was weird being back in that house. Most of all, it was sad. The house will be leveled. Lets see...we moved there in 1986...........WOW....Anyhow, there is lot of memories there both good and really bad, but it was still "our house" and to know it will be no more is sad. My Brother Brian and my Sister Renee did not join us this year....not sure why, but they did not. Mom is too ill or too frail to travel so she did not come either. But we had fun! My friend Brandi and her Mom came along with John, Pam, Heather and Matt....Jim and Debbie came too. For all of you out there that have no idea what I am talking about, that would be my Dads family...my cousins and Aunt/Uncle. Anyhow, we stayed up till around 3am chit chatting. Brandi and I got to catch up! Finally I got to bed and got no sleep..ugh...then when we woke up we went to the ranch.
Ranch was My Dad, his GF, Aunt Betty, Uncle Bill, Matt (cousin) and Jim and Debbie. It was nice to be there even though we spent a lot of time yelling at the dogs. Ugh. That and we had to sleep on the pull out couch with dogs in kennels....Double Ugh. Aside from the ussual family undercut comments, I had fun. I just wish that they would LEAVE ME ALONE!! Oh well, they are family. We were going to leave on Friday, but as we were getting into College Station, the brakes went out on my truck. Not good. So we ordered a master Cylinder and waited till the morning to get it. Jim and Jeff installed it and we went home. Right after I ordered my new boots and got two new sweaters! Christmas was good this year! Jeff got me the boots and a couple other things. Dad got us TSC gift cards...Not sure what else to really mention....my mind is a blurr.....Oh but I did get a new Palm Centreno! I love it except that right now I am downloading the programs to tether it....ugh. Anyhow, All is well.

Gabe got new Nikes and Hick is officially gone. He is happy in his new home as a hog hunting/trail busting/roping/ and general horse. Ryan loves him, so that was a great match up! I will be going to a barrel race next weekend. I will let you guys know how i do! Gabe is being kinda weird, but I am sure he will be fine!

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