Sunday, March 8, 2009

Good Morning.

Yup, I have been a little distant....But trust me, you would rather me that way! My hormones are raging...has to do with the new meds the doc put me on. I have not been sleeping more than 2 hours at a time and boy howdy....have I been cussing! But, I will be OK. Here is my little rant for the day.
Yesterday, I ran in Crockett! Gabe and i are a little slower right now, but we have changed our turning style....For some reason, he has begun to hind end pivot on the back side of the barrel. Its great! I think its because he can move better with out the saddle pinching him. Also, I have been rubbing his ankles and stifles down with surpass before our run and he is back on pureform. So, all in all, he/we are doing better. But we need to get the forward motion back to gain our speed again! OH and some sweet girl closed the gate for me so I did not have to worry about him running anyone over......BUT since it was a first for me with out being at WBR or I did not push hard home. BUT I think it landed us in the 5D...I dont know for sure though because I had to get home to meet the dentist. Tottie, Lynx, Joe and Gabe got their teeth done last night and I must say...POOR JOE!

OK, i have to say this or my head will explode. What is wrong with people? I mean...why do folks assume that I hate them? Why do folks assume that I think they are guilty? "Now that I appear guilty by knowledge I was not in the same state as you when this happened." this was stated...Ugh. Um, I dont think that she did anything...Anyhow, it pisses me off. Number one that some folks think its funny to piss me off then number two...that they get mad at me when it upsets me....I give up. Evidently I am a horrible person and dont have any sense of humor. Oh well. For those of you who are actually my friends out there, thanks. Sorry that I am so horrible. I live to ride. I live to take care of my husband and love my little family. I live to live. I have few friends that I can seriously call friends. You know who you are. I have a lot of acquaintances. I decided right now that I will only allow positive people to be in my life. Not to say that I wont be the shoulder to cry on, but I cant allow anyone else to tear me down. So, unless you plan to be a god friend through thick and thin, please walk away. Unless you plan to support me and allow me to be supportive, then please, stop calling me. I will understand. Love me.

1 comment:

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

I think it's fun that your horse is turning like that! Yay! Sorry people are being stupid. I don't like stupid people either.