Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lets Go Positive Today!

OK so my last post sucked!!! But you know what, we all have days like that! Good News is, I am healed, my son is healed, Hubby has the flu but he will be OK. We just got another lil' cold front but it will be OK too. I know that God is on my side. I have been talking to him more and more these days. I have realized that God is not doing these horrible things to us. Its Satan. He wants me to be mad at God. Well here is a big fat :-P to the devil!!! I will see the good in things! Like for example today...I made it to work alive and about on time! My son woke with a silly attitude and was giggly despite the fact that we were both tired! He was so cute! I get to go home, hook up to the horse trailer and go to the barrel race and I know that God will be right there with me too! My horse does have a small abscess and puncture on his neck but I have been praying and praying about it so I am hoping for a miracle when I get home or at least the wisdom to know how to make him (my horse) more comfortable so he can make his run tonight! So chin up! This is going to be a great weekend! Highs in the low 70's, sunny and cool at night! Whoop! Barrel racing on Saturday...even have a sitter to play with Kolton at the race! YAY! Jeff will get better if he just takes it easy. Poor Guy. I have sent up so many prayers today. Not just for my immediate family but for so many folks! So, I will end this note with GOD IS GOOD!

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