Monday, March 18, 2013

Thank God For Church

You know what, I have to write sometimes. It just takes all the ramblings out of my head so I can sleep! So here you go. Thank GOD for Church. A place where I can go, with my family, and feel the love of GOD. I can give all my stresses to him as well. I can ask for forgiveness and ask for guidance. I have even found a church family that accepts me for me. I dont feel like I am being judged when I walk in. Even though I only go with my son and my Husband has yet to join me. But I trust that he will soon enough. I know that he will see God's love in me and want to experience what I have been experiencing! My son loves going to Church! He rejoices with the music! It is so awesome! I have been down and out for various private reasons and realized that I need to turn to God to figure out how to proceed. I am confident that God knows what I am going through and, if I let him, he will guide me. He brought me to the alter many times at my new church. He has brought tears to my eyes but I always leave with a feeling of strength. I leave church feeling that God is closer to me now more than ever. How can anyone not seek the Love of God? I still hear judgment outside of my church. I like to share my happiness with others and sometimes I get "told what to do next". That is not why I am going to church. I dont want to go to reach certain "sacraments" or what not. I want to go to build my relationship with GOD. To give my issues to Him because they are more than I can handle alone. I encourage everyone to find a church home. This one in particular has been calling my name since we moved up here but I did not listen to the voice until just before Christmas. Now I am so blessed to be greeted with Holy Hugs when I walk through the doors. I may not know many there or join in with the bible studies. I dont even attend on Tuesday nights. But I am still welcomed. I am still loved for coming when I can and giving what I have to the Church. But I think it is because God is smiling down on me when I cross the threshold into HIS house. So Thank GOD for Church!

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