Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Keeping a cowgirl down is hard stuff!

Seriously! Can I get some tranquilizers over here? Shingles suck! I wake feeling OK, go to do anything..even just shower and BAM. FEEL LIKE I HAVE BEEN WHACKED IN THE HEAD WITH A 2x4! Yes, I do know first hand what that feels like for reference! So doc says "gotta rest, stay down, take it easy, don't do ANYTHING. WTF? Do you know how hard that is? At least when I had my hysterectomy I hurt so bad that I stayed down. But this crap, geesh. I feel ok then move around and WHACK! So here I sit. I took some of my bed time meds to try to get some "rest" meanwhile I keep thinking about cleaning, laundry, horses, dogs.....and WORK! I want to go back to work! But just driving to CVS makes my head throb! Grrrrr. So please, if you have some tranquilizers, send them my way. No need to slip them in my dinner, I will take them willingly if it will help me rest so I can go back to normal life!

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