Every Day is a New Day. Every Day Brings a New Experience and a New Lesson Learned. Just thought I would share my daily lessons.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Deep Thoughts
OK, I am not writing this to bash anyone. I have been putting a lot of thought into whether or not to join NBHA this year. Well, after thinking about how much it cost to go to Liberty and stay the weekend plus entry fees and then the payout, I am think NO. I can pay my $100 to plug in and stall my horse at a bigger show plus the $100 to enter for the weekend and win a whole lot more money. On top of that, my district has two Liberty shows (two day shows) this year. One is right after I get back from Alvarado and the other is 4th of July weekend. Well, my other conflict is that I really like the group that runs in Crockett and there are several NBHA's that conflict. So, I think i will just run Crockett and go to the few NBHA's that are close when there is nothing else going on. This will take a lot of pressure off of me to haul to all the NBHA's for the slight chance that we will gain enough points to place. At this time, Gabe is hitting that half second off the 3D and that makes us 5D pay runners. So, I am gonna try to go to any 5D race I can find and Just go to the close NBHA's when I want to.......
OMG, am I ever going to get to meet Day's Foal?
OK, tick tock. Day is locked, loaded and ready to foal! She is ready to foal and has been for the last 2 days! I almost did not go to the barrel race because I thought she was going to drop the foal during the day. NOPE, nothing. So, we are still waiting. Now we are 1 day over due. Mental note cause this will be her history!
Chivas and her foral Cooter are doing great! Cooter is a pistol and really seems to want to knock my teeth out when he is handled, but, thats OK. he will get better with time! He is HUGE!!! He has already shot up and grown about 3 inches! He can run fast too! Chivas still has not come into heat yet. Either that or she does not like Joe. Not sure. But, if Joe does not catch her and breed to her, we will not pursue getting her in foal. She is for sale and might go visit the trainer to get broke to ride. She has been under saddle, just not sure what all has been done. So, if she chooses not to get bred back....FINE with me!
With that said, Day will be bred back to Joe. If I cant catch her on her foal heat, then she might go visit another stud so I can go ahead and geld Joe and get him started under saddle. He is going to make a great gelding! I just wanted to get some off spring on the ground before I cut him. Also, it will offset the cost of stud fees, hauling to the stud, mare care etc.
Side Note~ My trailer will be getting an A/C put on it SOON!!! Yup, looks like my dream of having a weekend package is coming true! Jeff gave the OK for me to use my tax refund to fix up the trailer! WOW, just imagine how much that will save me this year! Also, I think I will have access to a generator to use. So, no more sweating at barrel races during the summer. Yup, i get to contribute to the noise at the barrel race with a generator running the A/C!!!!
Chivas and her foral Cooter are doing great! Cooter is a pistol and really seems to want to knock my teeth out when he is handled, but, thats OK. he will get better with time! He is HUGE!!! He has already shot up and grown about 3 inches! He can run fast too! Chivas still has not come into heat yet. Either that or she does not like Joe. Not sure. But, if Joe does not catch her and breed to her, we will not pursue getting her in foal. She is for sale and might go visit the trainer to get broke to ride. She has been under saddle, just not sure what all has been done. So, if she chooses not to get bred back....FINE with me!
With that said, Day will be bred back to Joe. If I cant catch her on her foal heat, then she might go visit another stud so I can go ahead and geld Joe and get him started under saddle. He is going to make a great gelding! I just wanted to get some off spring on the ground before I cut him. Also, it will offset the cost of stud fees, hauling to the stud, mare care etc.
Side Note~ My trailer will be getting an A/C put on it SOON!!! Yup, looks like my dream of having a weekend package is coming true! Jeff gave the OK for me to use my tax refund to fix up the trailer! WOW, just imagine how much that will save me this year! Also, I think I will have access to a generator to use. So, no more sweating at barrel races during the summer. Yup, i get to contribute to the noise at the barrel race with a generator running the A/C!!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Foal Watch
Well, Day was showing all of the signs of foaling late last night. Sooooo, being the person that I am, I got all wired up and told Jeff to go on to bed and I will check her. Yeah, about 2AM I was crashed on the couch. :( I woke up with a crooked neck, no foal and very sleepy....
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Life has Speed Bumps....
Well, this has been a different weekend. One of my good friends needed some help. She is such a good person and I hate that she has so much "bad" that comes down on her. Right now, I am giving her 2 favorite horses a place to hang out! She got to stay the weekend with me after we went to a barrel race yesterday. Gabe did good, but, the ground there always sucks. So, I guess we had a great weekend! I got to help curb some of the drama for a friend, hang out, play pool, ride, play with the foal and well, that makes for a weekend right????
Friday, March 14, 2008
High Speed Internet Has Come To My House!!!
Not cheap, but, I now have high speed internet at my house and on my blackberry phone!!! I am totally excited!!!!!!!!!! Its cheaper than having a wireless card, and I have internet on both the phone and the laptop! YAY!!! Watch out, I am gonna be posting pics like MAD!!!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
New Foal Born This Morning!

Well, Our buckskin mare, Chivas, put a pretty little stud colt on the ground this morning! He is a sorrel (we think) and has a tadpole on his face! Way cute and totally sweet!!!! Now, we are waiting on Baby #2 who will be a filly just cause I want a colt, LOL. Anyhow, Jeff and I feel blessed today!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Well, Life Has Ups And Downs
OK, I can accept the fact that life has its ups and downs. Right now we are in the ups mode! Today I will work until noon then its home for the rest of the week!!!! YAY! I think I will saddle up Gabe and give his new nikes a spin. Hick will get a ride today too. We (me and Hick) are gonna attempt to reach an understanding today. I want to ride him in the back pasture and just "ride". Maybe if we do that a few times a week, I can reset his little brain and we can go back to patterns. IDK. He jsut seems like he is NOT going to be a barrel/ pole pony. But, I am going to give it a shot today. We will just have a nice relaxing ride in the mud!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Knives....They Suck
OK, not what you think, but, here it goes. So, I have been dealing with a so called "friend" who is proceeding to tell me that she is the best friend I have cause she tells me to my face...Well, hmmmmmmmm, if there are so many people around HER talking shit about me, then, why doesn't she tell them to confront me and that she is staying out of it??? So, my whole life I have had to deal with bitches throwing knives at me. WHY???? WTF??? What did I do? Why does everyone HATE me??? Seriously. What is it that I do that just gets people down right mad? Is it because I have one horse to run and we do OK and every once in a while we pull a check? Is it because I have a new used truck and a 3 horse trailer that I pull??? Is it because for the first time in my life I have a sponsor who is willing to help me out with my barrel racing fees for the year???Shit, he is not buying me a high dollar horse or a fancy trailer...Just helping me out! Yeah, I am excited about that and I want to THANK my sponsors every chance I get? Does that make people think that I am rubbing it in their faces??? WTF??? WHO THE HELL OUT THERE HAS A BONE TO PICK WITH ME....BRING IT ON. I WANT TO HEAR IT CAUSE I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING FROM "OTHERS" THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO TALK ABOUT ME AS SOON AS I TURN MY BACK....I WONT BE MAD...I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU FEEL THE NEED TO BASH ME!!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
When In Doubt.....

There comes a time in every womans life when....
You decide that the ladder is a very handy object to reach things that you could not normally reach.
You decide that there are things that require a hammer, some nails and that pesky ladder and your husband is never gonna get it done.....so you need to do it....
You decide that the drill is your friend and screws are so much easier than a hammer and nails.
You decide that the vacuum is not your friend....
You realized that the feed in your truck will not unload its self and the wheel barrow is the best alternative to your husband.
You figure out that your husband is darn determine to ignore the honey doooooo list......so, you better get started on it or nothing will ever get done....
You figure out that your horse, your dog and your truck can take you anywhere you want to go.
You figure out that going to a barrel race with the girls is way more fun than going out on the town.
OK, I was inspired today due to the stupid wine glass wrack that has been sitting so long it has lost its screws. Yup, I hung it and I feel like I accomplished something today! Also, a few weeks ago, the roof on the barn was FLAPPING so loud that it was causing my horses to bust out of their stalls....6 screws latter, it is now fixed. Been like that for a year and a half. When in Doubt, get off your butt and do it yourself!!!!

I am Up, Yup, I am Awake...
OK, normally on Saturday I like to sleep in till around 10am. My Mother decided to call me at 8am to ask me what time my cousin's wedding is....Um, I have not gotten an invite, but, um...I assume its in the evening....Anyhow, why is it that our parents love to wake us up early and then proceed to talk to us?
Anyhow, I got up, went out to the freezing cold and let the horses out. Now, i am waiting on my coffee. Sigh.....The younger dogs are outside playing and Ellis is inside with me. He likes to have a break from the young ones now and then...
No babies yet. Still holding out. Chivas is due on the 12th and Day on the 22nd. I thought surely the bad weather would have talked them into foaling!!!! NOPE. Anyhow, I am going to go drink my 12 cups of coffee and try to get some things done around here....
Anyhow, I got up, went out to the freezing cold and let the horses out. Now, i am waiting on my coffee. Sigh.....The younger dogs are outside playing and Ellis is inside with me. He likes to have a break from the young ones now and then...
No babies yet. Still holding out. Chivas is due on the 12th and Day on the 22nd. I thought surely the bad weather would have talked them into foaling!!!! NOPE. Anyhow, I am going to go drink my 12 cups of coffee and try to get some things done around here....
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Friend or Foe....
You know, i have had some interesting friends and some friends that were enemies in disguise, but, this last weekend really got me to re-evaluate all of them. It not so much the ones that were just acquaintances, more the ones who I trusted and just lost all trust for.
What the Hell am I talking about? Well, let me tell ya. While in Conroe at the WBR, some of my "friends" or so I have been told, decided to grease my trailer and stall and halter. The literally took vasaline and put huge globs of it all over my trailer on any part of my trailer that I would touch. Door handles, drop down window handles and slides and the plexy glass, my tie rings, jack, cuppler, the lock on my cuppler, My FAVORITE halter that was hanging on my stall....the one that had a leather nose stamped with Gabe the Babe, the awesome lead rope that was on it, and last but not least, the handle to pull to get into my stall. OK, this was at first funny until I realized how BAD it was. When I looked it all over I found that this was a prank gone wrong. OK, who did it...Anyhow, next I got chewed out by a "friend" who basically told me that I am a piece of shit who never takes any responsibility for my own stuff. While she was saying this, she was yelling, shaking her finger in my face and telling me to "JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN". Well, this also happened in public at the photo booth where I was buying the only picture I have ever taken smiling around barrels..... GRRRR....So, you see whee my dilima is?
What the Hell am I talking about? Well, let me tell ya. While in Conroe at the WBR, some of my "friends" or so I have been told, decided to grease my trailer and stall and halter. The literally took vasaline and put huge globs of it all over my trailer on any part of my trailer that I would touch. Door handles, drop down window handles and slides and the plexy glass, my tie rings, jack, cuppler, the lock on my cuppler, My FAVORITE halter that was hanging on my stall....the one that had a leather nose stamped with Gabe the Babe, the awesome lead rope that was on it, and last but not least, the handle to pull to get into my stall. OK, this was at first funny until I realized how BAD it was. When I looked it all over I found that this was a prank gone wrong. OK, who did it...Anyhow, next I got chewed out by a "friend" who basically told me that I am a piece of shit who never takes any responsibility for my own stuff. While she was saying this, she was yelling, shaking her finger in my face and telling me to "JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN". Well, this also happened in public at the photo booth where I was buying the only picture I have ever taken smiling around barrels..... GRRRR....So, you see whee my dilima is?
Monday, March 3, 2008
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