Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some Days...

You know, some days just dont start out right. Example. Yesterday morning I was running late and having a heck of a time. My cell phone was DEAD and I needed to plug it in. Well, as many of you know, i drive a standard. Well, I was wearing heels and pushed in the clutch to crank the truck...yeah, the brake too....Well, I looked down to plug that phone in and my truck rolled forward into the wall for the garage....Shit. Well, I decided to get out of there and get to work. I came home yesterday after a LOT of meetings and worked 3 horses.....Jeff went to get something out of the garage......YUP< i moved the entire wall about 8 inches. You could say he was a little MAD.....Anyhow, Chalking it up to a bad morning and blonde moment....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Guilt Trippers....

OK, now, I am not one to turn too many things down when it comes to my friends and family. But, recently I signed up for something that requires way more than I can afford to put into it. YUP, I am a bridesmaid in my cousins wedding. Well, as you all know, fuel prices are outrageous and I live at the far edge of nowhere. Well, her maid of honor scheduled 3 parties to attend and they had an engagement party to boot.... I have been un able to attend for various reasons.....Lets see....Engagement party was 3 weeks prior to my wedding..UM, yeah, I was BUSY and STRESSED. Two showers both in Houston area apx. 4 hours from me. The first one, I was SICK and the second one I was taking care of my mother who was sick. Now the bachelorette Party. I really wanted to go! OMG its going to be fun! But, I have to choose my driving trips wisely because it cost over $125 to fill my truck up. I do not get paid a whole lot and have so many bills to pay off that I can only go through maybe 3 tanks of fuel a paycheck (once a month paycheck). Well, the wedding is on the same paycheck and it is in College Station...Thats 4 hours of driving and 1 tank of fuel....So, I literally cannot afford to drive to Houston the same month! CANNOT DO IT!!!! Shit, I dont even have room on my credit card! The dress and shoes broke me too!I seriously think I am going to pull may hair out just trying to find the $$$ to buy groceries and feed the animals!
Back to the moral of the story. I get an email from the Matron of Honor giving me the guilt trip. Saying that I have had 3 opportunities to show up for the party and did not show up for any of them....all in Houston....and that my duty as a bridesmaid is to be there to celebrate at the parties.... UM, NO....My duty as a bridesmaid is to be in the wedding and stand by the bride during the ceremony...Also, I have been right here as an ear, sounding board and offering advice for the stressed out bride. Granted, she has not called me for much, but, I did get her jump started! So, no guilt trips please. I am doing the best I can and frankly, that is all I can do....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

There Are A Few Things That Really Piss Me Off....

OK, first of all, I think i know who stole or who is in possession of my blackberry. It happens to be someone that I work with and I got the info from a source that may or may not be reliable. What am I to do now??? I HATE THIEVES!!!! Seriously, this person was there when I was frantically looking for my phone. This person is one of the ones saying that I needed to go and have the sim card cut off cause the thief could be running up my cell phone bill. This person acted as mad as I was that someone would steal from me. Then, after I get everything back in order, new phone, wireless card etc, I get a message that this person has my blackberry phone......Right now there are flames coming from my ears......So, i filed a police report and told them I have a suspect. Leave it up to the law.....and I wait.....

Number two on the list of things that really PISS ME OFF.....Telling me you are for sure going to do something then NOT DO it....There is a person who told me that she would adopt Remmy if i would get her to Liberty to the barrel race that I was not going to. Well, I found the dog a ride and the lady did not show up on Saturday. OK....Well, its a two day race, so, she showed up today. She also told a good friend of mine that she was going to buy her filly, NOT LOOK AT< BUY!!!! And pick the filly up at the same race. She shows up today and acts as if she had never said anything of the sort and takes one bad look at the filly and glances at the dog and walks off. Not only that, I called her 3 times and she never returned my calls. Dont tell me you are going to take something and let me go to the trouble to get that something to you and you leave me with out taking it!!!!!! WTF!!!! I mean really, dont open your mouth unless you mean it!!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Take On the D System For Barrel Racing.....

Thud Thud I am going to say my peace over here about the 6D stuff. Cause, I am tired of that never ending story. Basically, you have your 1D horses that are sometimes 2D horses....even 3D on a bad day. But, the D system was designed to allow more horses to compete in barrel racing.I mean really. How many horses are going to be PRCA barrel horse material? But, can they turn 3 cans pretty and fast? YUP. Might not be the fastest horse out there, but, they give their all and most of the riders give their all as well. YES we all want to be the fastest runner and we all aspire to find that one horse that will get us there.Here is the deal. We all want to do the best we can do. WE ALL want to have a fast consistent horse. Some of us are not as fast as others and the D system makes it worth while for us to keep on racing. Without the D system, there are several horses that would be deemed worthless because they are not the fastest horse out there. But, they are not worthless. They all have heart. The all want to preform for their owners. Yeah, there are some people out there who dont put enough time and effort into their sport, but, the majority of us that are not 1D runners want to gain speed, skill and be the best out there. Dont knock the D system. For once in my life I feel like there is a place out there for every barrel horse to compete.

I remember back when you had the open and the novice classes. I ran for many years in those classes always a fraction of a second poor. KICK YO BUTT I would climb the novice ladder (horse) and enter the open to fall short of the money. Now there is a chance for me to continue to climb the ladder!!!! So to all those peeps who think if you are not in the 1D you are not trying hard enough!!!!!!

Confrontation ......

Confrontation. I hate it! Anyhow, it seems that everyone around me is going through PMS~ Pissy man Syndrome or Womens PMS....Cause everyone wants to have a sit down with me today.... :~( Shit!!!!!!!!! (sorry for the virgin ears) I am so tired of everyone thinking that I have some underlying spear aimed at them!!!!! Um, yeah, I took over things at work. I told her why and told her how and what....Um front, nothing hidden. Today she accused me of being racist!!!! YIKES! NOOOOOOOO, i just have to make sure that things get done right around here!!! It does not matter what color you are, sex or even age...If the powers that be tell me to step up and take over, I am going to do so!!!! :P
Then there is the men....I wont even go there for now....BUT, Just because I am female does not mean that every BAD thing is MY fault. I proved that last night.....Stupid boys.

Another Picture!

Wll, i just had to show you guys more pictures...

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Puppy!

Well, Jeff gave me permission to bring home another dog! LOL. I had to find a new home for Remmy...the rescue lab that I took in, but, I got to bring home Gauge, a female red heeler pup! She is super smart and is well on her way to being house broke at a whole 6 weeks old! She stays close, comes when she is called and I bet by next week we will have her "siting"!!! She has already been loved on by the cats and Colt....Ellis is afraid of her, but, he did lick her head. She LOVES to chew on Jeff's beard. He even held her last night for over an hour! I think he likes her...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Life Throws Me Curves and I Learn to Swerve...

Life Throws Me Curves and I Learn to Swerve.....This is a quote I wish I could call my own. Today has brought on yet another challenge. Somehow, it all worked out just fine...This weekend brought on many challenges as well. Lets start there.....
So, Jeff and I headed up to Henderson with Gabe and the Horse Trailer to make the dressing room into a weekend package.....Simple enough right? Well, Of course me and Lisa wanted to hit the barrel race in Marshall on Saturday night as well. So, Friday I spent most of the day listening to Jeff getting grumpy due to lack of food. Finally we got a list together and went to town to buy over $700 worth of supplies from plywood to celling board....Of course the Lowes Card did not work cause he did not pay the bill on time, so, he had to put it on his card. Next, we return to the house for the men to start working. Around midnight or so, we decided to call it a night. Now, keep in mind that Thursday night i was up until 2am unloading my trailer and packing my was involved, so I was just a little dehydrated. We crashed and slept in the single bed. Unaware that there was a trundle bed to make it a little bigger..LOL. SO, we get up the next morning and go at it again. Lisa and I set out to get the rest of the materials to complete the project. First stop, RV place in Longview. Of course, they had the AC and lights, but no plug. I spent $800 there and we set out to go to Tyler to get the cord and plug. On the way, a tire blew on the dually. Sigh. We changed it and kept on trucking. Got to the RV place and got the rest of the supplies. Went to HD to get the screws and such to return around 3pm. Now, the BR started at 1pm, so, with 300 peeps, we had to leave at 6pm to get there and run. Well, we got on the road and Jeff and I put $300 in the fuel tank for labor. Well, the freightliner broke down 7 times on a 60mile trip...Double sigh. Then we got there and it broke down in the drive way. By this time we were high on ether that her dad used to get the truck started. Well, we ran, no money...and no truck to pull the 40 foot trailer home with. Good thing we left Jeff in Henderson to come and save us. Around 1am, he got there with the one ton and we proceeded back to the house. Unloaded and in bed by 2:30 am. Triple Sigh. Get up Sunday morning to go back at it. Well, I did not get up till around 11am....
So, We got home around 10pm Sunday night leaving the trailer and Gabe behind because it is not even half done. Monday was the day that I was to take over the GED Department and basically tell my co-worker that things are not good and need to change, I am the boss and she is the aid....Well, this was hard for me considering in the past she had been the first to slander me when I start to change things. I was more than prepared for a screaming match and had notes, backed up by my bosses and ready to lay down the new law. Everything went smooth and I was surprised that she was happy to move down to the lab and give up the big class room to me. Wow, there I was thinking that it was gonna be a horrible day and it was really kind of nice. Maybe it was because I expected the worse and she did not buck me on my plan. We shall see if she stays on the right path, but, for now, I am at ease and ready to jump into the new responsibilities given to me! :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

MY POOR CAT!!!!!!!!

So, this morning I took my tom cat in because he was having some swelling around his eyes, nose face etc. Well, I carried him into the clinic and told my vet that he was having problems. I told him to test him for feline leukemia etc and to "fix him up for me"! I said I think he got into a fight or something and he looks awful. Doc says OK and asked if he was positive for feline leukemia.....I said yeah, put him down if he is. I dont believe in letting a cat suffer. Anyhow, I called him to find out how he was doing and what was wrong with him... Doc proceeded to tell me that after he neutered him and brushed him out......OK, I did not mean that kind of FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, now my poor tom cat is a changed boy....I sure hope he does not get lazy and fat cause he sure was a good mouser!!!!!!OH, and he just had an allergic reaction...MORAL OF THE STORY.....DONT EVER TELL YOUR VET TO "FIX" SOMETHING UNLESS YOU WANT IT ALTERED!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Some Days....

OK, you guys all know that we all have our Duh moments....Well, today I decided to use my carpet cleaner. Well, back when we bought the house, I bought a Bissell Spot Lifter and the damn thing did not work!!! Well, I say that....Anyhow, the "sprayer" did not spray. So I took it back and got another one. After Remmy has had a few accidents in the house, I decided that the woolite carpet cleaner was not doing the trick so I opened the BRAND NEW spot cleaner that I exchanged the "non-working" one for. Guess what!!!! It did the same freakin thing!!!!! OMG!!!! So, thinking this must be a user error, I read the manual, no help there then I spent an hour on the phone with a non english speaking woman telling me to do everything that I already did right out of the manual....her solution??? TAKE IT BACK! BS!!!! I am not going to drive it back to Lowes...This stupid thing is gonna work!!! So, I brought it to work and 3 women tried to get it to work....NOPE, none of us could make it spray!!!!! Anyhow, I decided to take it over to the shop that fixes the parts for the lumber mill and they took an air hose to it and blew the line out........UMMMM, It works NOW!!!! See, I am not that dumb! There was something wrong with the stupid thing!!!!!